Do you have money sitting in your bank account, not generating any value? Have you heard that inflation is lowering its value, but you’re not entirely sure what inflation is or how to combat it? Does the world of stocks and investments seem too complicated?
You feel like it’s time to stop losing and start earning, but all those strange and unfamiliar terms (compound interest?) and the numerous investment options leave you clueless about where to begin. You’re either too busy (or just lazy) to figure out the best method—if such a method even exists.
But deep down, let’s admit it—you feel like you’re being taken advantage of. Perhaps these questions even rekindle a common fear many have at the start of their financial journey: What should I do with my money?
Money That Sits Loses Value
Let’s be clear: Money sitting idle in the bank loses its value. In other words, its purchasing power decreases. For instance, if you deposited NIS 1,000 in the bank in the past, its real (i.e., current and practical) value today is less than NIS 1,000.
This is due to inflation—a process in which the value of money decreases over time, meaning its purchasing power declines. If your money isn’t invested or generating reasonable returns, your ability to buy things diminishes. The return on money sitting in a bank account is usually negligible, and in the long run, you’re simply losing money. Isn’t that a shame? Who likes losing money?
Too Much Work, Too Little Time (or Motivation)
Just as every online commenter claims to know more than the prime minister, the internet is flooded with guides claiming to have the "golden formula" for hitting the next jackpot.
Assuming we’re not entirely naive, we tend to view such claims with suspicion, leading us to a simple conclusion: We need to invest significant time analyzing the options to ensure we’re not making mistakes with our money. "If only," you think, "there were a guide for lazy people like me—something that could expand my knowledge and help me make an informed investment."
Peaceful and Prosperous Living
"If only," you say again, "such a guide could save me time and stress, not just for my first investment, but for the ones to follow."
You see those around you constantly monitoring stock market fluctuations, stressing out, and obsessively checking financial websites. You don’t want that. Investments for Lazy People is the solution you’ve been dreaming of while lounging.
Truly Passive Income: Let Your Money Work While You Rest
Investments for Lazy People lays out the concept of passive investing clearly. It demonstrates how passive investments—those that don’t require daily active effort—can work for you. Yes, even if you’re not tracking the market every single day.
This is achieved through broad index investing, long-term strategies, and compound interest. Investments for Lazy People is the simple guide to earning money effortlessly and without unnecessary risk.