US House Committee probes funding of National Students for Justice in Palestine

The committee also expressed concern over pro-Hamas propaganda spouted by students and students engaging in antisemitic harassment and violations of the civil rights of Jewish students. 

 Protesters raise the Palestinian flag outside the student union on the Auraria Campus in Denver, Colorado, U.S., May 14, 2024. (photo credit: REUTERS/KEVIN MOHATT)
Protesters raise the Palestinian flag outside the student union on the Auraria Campus in Denver, Colorado, U.S., May 14, 2024.
(photo credit: REUTERS/KEVIN MOHATT)

The United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability in a letter on Wednesday called on National Director of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) Dr. Osama Abuirshaid to provide several documents and information on the subject of the organization's funding.

The committee has begun an investigation to understand how pro-Hamas propaganda and illegal encampments at university campuses are being funded and from what sources. 

According to the letter, AMP is the overarching body for National Students for Justice in Palestine (National SJP), a group claiming to “support over two hundred Palestine solidarity organizations on college campuses across occupied Turtle Island (US and Canada.)” Furthermore, the organization’s website states that these organizations support completely divesting from Israel. 

The committee expressed concern over pro-Hamas propaganda spouted by students and students engaging in antisemitic harassment and violations of the civil rights of Jewish students. 

 PRO-HAMAS posters on campus.  (credit: JONATHAN TESLIN)
PRO-HAMAS posters on campus. (credit: JONATHAN TESLIN)

The letter provided examples of incidents at the university encampments, including students chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “Death to Israel.”

The contents of the letter

The letter reads, “The Committee is particularly concerned that organizations promulgating pro-Hamas propaganda and engaging in illegal activities at institutions of higher education might be receiving funding or other support from foreign or domestic sources which support the aims of Hamas or other foreign terrorist organizations.” 

The letter from the committee requested in-depth details about the funding of the National SJP to be sent over to them, including "all documents and communications related to National SJP’s funding, policy, procedure, orstandard operating practice to conduct due diligence or otherwise ensure that funding received by National SJP complies with all relevant laws related to terrorist financing."