US senator: Palestinian state from UN is wrong path
Lindsey Graham says statehood through United Nations resolution does "more damage than good"; PM says US must oppose such a move.
By STAFFUS Senator Lindsay Graham in Jerusalem 311(photo credit: Marc Israel Sellem)
US Senator Lindsey Graham, speaking in Jerusalem on Wednesday, said that a Palestinian state needs to come about in a way that ensures the security of Israel.Addressing Western countries who are considering supporting an expected United Nations resolution in September recognizing Palestinian statehood, Graham said, "You're doing more damage than you are doing good."RELATED:PM to meet US rep. threatening to block funds from PA'Annexation for declaration' idea advancing in KnessetA Palestinian state cannot come about from a UN resolution, Graham added, it must come from the people living in the region.The senior US senator expressed reservations about the Palestinian leadership, saying, "Who runs the Palestinian state. Wouldn't you want to know that?"Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the group of visiting US congresspeople that the US must oppose the Palestinian statehood initiative in the United Nations.The prime minister also addressed the Palestinian Authority's efforts to gain support for recognizing a Palestinian state. "Even if such a decision is reached," referring to the possibility that the United Nations might confer statehood on the PA in September, "we need to ensure that the United States does not support it," Army Radio reported.