Greenpeace "Save the Arctic" campaign to raise awareness about the need to protect the North Pole.
By SHARON UDASINA ‘POLAR BEAR’ meets with a camel(photo credit: Yael Ifergan)
Despite the steamy summery temperatures, an Arctic glacier will travel from street to street in Tel Aviv this week.The glacier – actually a platform in the shape of the icy body – is the contribution of Greenpeace Mediterranean’s efforts to the ongoing Global Greenpeace “Save the Arctic” campaign. In less than two weeks of activity, over half-a-million people have already signed on to become “pole protectors” in a campaign that aims to raise awareness among citizens worldwide and create a commitment to protecting the North Pole.Greenpeace and its members are protesting against the economic interests of energy companies that they say are threatening to destroy the Arctic region, specifically condemning Shell’s intentions to begin a new experimental drilling project in the area soon.The names of the first million pole protectors to sign the protest on Greenpeace’s website will be buried for generations in a giant capsule in the ice of the North Pole, according to the organization.In addition to transporting the glacier platform around Tel Aviv, Greenpeace activists in Israel will be sending giant polar bear escorts to recruit Israelis to protect the North Pole throughout the coming weeks, the local group said.Meanwhile, on the morning of Saturday, July 21, a large polar bear – an activist in costume – will arrive at the Ramat Gan Safari to visit his bear “cousins,” the organization added.“Drilling for exploration of oil in the pristine area of the North Pole by huge companies is likely to cause irreversible damage that will impact us all,” said Hila Krupsky, director of Greenpeace Mediterranean. “We must stop them! The North Pole is the refrigerator of the Earth and in the era of climate change and rising temperatures we all must protect it.“Energy companies bear the responsibility of melting glaciers in the first place because of their part in air pollution and accelerating climate change,” she added. “Now they try to maximize profits from the destruction of one of the most rare and important nature reserves that we have in the world.”Hundreds of businessman and artists have already joined the campaign, including Paul McCartney and the band Radiohead, who contributed to the song’s video campaign, according to Greenpeace. As of early evening, approximately 582,700 had “signed” the online protest, agreeing, “Yes! Let’s declare a global sanctuary in the Arctic.”