Transitional seasons destroy our skin. What can we do about it?

The change of seasons affects your skin. Here are tips on how to handle these common problems when the seasons change.

 Skincare (photo credit: PEXELS)
(photo credit: PEXELS)

If you feel that recently your skin is more irritated or red, it's due to the changing of seasons. Going from summer to fall can damage our skin, as it reacts to any change in the environment, usually by being dry. The temperature change between hot and cool affects our moisture level, and as a result, skin is dry, looks tired and lacks radiance and elasticity. 

Think about it: one day there's humid summer heat and the next day cool and dry air. It makes our skin crazy.

The effect of changing seasons on the skin varies from person to person. Some will feel dryness only on the lips and a little in the face area. Others, on the other hand, will develop itching, acne and even intense redness. 

All these changes are caused by an instability in moisture that affects the rate of cell regeneration. So in order to avoid dry skin during transitional seasons, a lot of emphasis must be placed on caring for skin on the body and face in order to balance its function and maintain it.

What can be done to save our skin?

BE GENTLE with your skin when drying your hands. (credit: DREAMSTIME/TNS)
BE GENTLE with your skin when drying your hands. (credit: DREAMSTIME/TNS)
Here are some tips from Paula Belik Dayan, an expert in natural medicine and advanced cosmetics, that will help you get through this fall with healthy skin.

1. Facial cleansing

Facial cleansing is an important part of maintaining skin in all seasons. It's important to remove dirt, dust and make-up residue every day. 

The cleaner the face, the easier it is for skin to absorb moisturizing ingredients. In transitional seasons, use gentle cleansers with a fine grainy texture and not coarse to not create excessive friction and to prevent dry skin as much as possible.

2. Serum

As mentioned, when there's less humidity skin tends to dry out, so it needs nourishment. Using a serum nourishes the skin as it penetrates the deep layers and its components prevent dryness and aging

Another advantage of using serum is it preps the skin to easily absorb moisturizer.

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3. Peeling

Removing dead cells from the face's surface reveals fresh and healthy skin, and keeping the skin clean helps maintain elasticity since it can absorb nutrients

Facial skin should be cleaned with a gentle peel once or twice a week. The peeling should be at a fine-grain texture to avoid irritating the skin's surface.

4. Day and night creams and nutrients

During transitional seasons, emphasis should be placed on nourishing the skin with rich ingredients like day/night moisturizers and nourishing masks that give the skin a fresh and healthy appearance

Separate the different areas such as eyes, lips, neck and face, and nourish each with the proper products. Cell regeneration happens when we sleep, so in the evening you should clean your face well and apply a night moisturizer with a richer texture and active ingredients.

5. SPF

When the temperature cools there's a tendency to think that the sun's rays are caressing and pleasant. But even these rays carry danger and damage to the skin. So sunscreen must always be used; on "normal" days you can be satisfied with cream with SPF 15 and on days when you know you'll be in the sun a lot, you need a sun protection factor with SPF 30 and above. Fair skin requires sunscreen with a higher SPF, even 50.

6. Water

Water contributes to metabolism and helps us maintain a vital, young and luminous appearance. Drinking enough water (at least 2 glasses a day) keeps the body hydrated, and this is also reflected in the appearance of the skin.

7. Foods containing antioxidants

Antioxidants help the skin deal with environmental damage and radiation and prevent the aging process. Eating foods rich in antioxidants, such as green vegetables, fish and red fruits helps the body deal with environmental damage.