Family courts refuse to appoint legal guardian to embryo-swap baby

A pregnant woman found that the embryo implanted in her during IVF treatments does not genetically match her or her husband.

Pregnant woman (Illustrative) (photo credit: PIXABAY)
Pregnant woman (Illustrative)
(photo credit: PIXABAY)

The family courts in Rishon Lezion denied the state's petition to assign a legal guardian to an unborn baby with disputed parenthood who is expected to be born in the next few days.

Last month, it was revealed that a woman who had undergone IVF treatments at Assuta Medical Center had discovered that the embryo that was implanted in her was not genetically hers or her husband's.

Following this discovery, the courts ruled that genetic testing should be done to discover who the genetic match to the embryo is. The decision was upheld despite an appeal by the woman who has been carrying the baby.

On Monday, a couple who was strongly believed to be the biological parents of the baby were discovered not to be a genetic match. Before receiving the test results, the couple had demanded that the baby be removed from the woman who had been pregnant with her immediately upon birth.

The IVF department at Assuta is in chaos

THE SAMSON Assuta Ashdod University Hospital (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
THE SAMSON Assuta Ashdod University Hospital (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

Another woman (A) who underwent IVF at Assuta described the chaos in the department, saying that this with just the tip of the iceberg.

A said that she is also considered one of the potential biological mothers of the baby.

"Unfortunately, we're all possibilities in this complicated situation," she said. "We were treated a few days before the pregnant woman, according to the verdict. We were there three days before, and we're worried like all the parents who go to Assuta for treatments."

"You can feel the chaos at Assuta."


In light of a report conducted by the Health Ministry of the IVF department in Assuta, the ministry is strongly considering shutting down the department after a hearing.