Be prepared: Safety tips to follow before, during and after an earthquake
Especially for those living in Israel's north, it may be wise to take precautionary measures in case a larger quake hits.
By GARY ROBBINS/THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE, SARAH LEVIUpdated: JULY 11, 2018 14:36Emergency rescue teams practice evacuating the Knesset as part of earthquake drill.(photo credit: GIL HOFFMAN)
(TNS) Israel has been consistently experiencing large-scale earthquakes every 80-100 years for centuries.Israel sits along the Syrian-African fault line which runs along the border with Jordan, part of the Great Rift Valley that extends from northern Syria to Mozambique.This past week week, the country’s north has been experiencing a new round of tremors measuring up to 4.5 on the Richter scale.According to experts, it could only be a matter of time before the next big one hits.So it may be wise to prepare your home for the possibility of a larger temblor. Here are suggestions for things you should do before, during and after a quake.BEFORE AN EARTHQUAKE: SECURING YOUR HOMERepair defective electrical wiring, leaky gas lines, inflexible utility connections (using professional help as needed).Bolt down and secure to wall studs the water heater, furnace and other major appliances.Place large or heavy objects on lower shelves; fasten shelves, mirrors and large picture frames to walls; brace high and top-heavy objects; anchor overhead lighting fixtures.For things that you can't secure, conduct a "hazard hunt" to determine where they are so you can avoid them in a quake.