Israeli disinfectant kills 100% of viruses, bacteria

The Israel Institute for Biological Research developed a disinfectant that kills 100% of viruses and bacteria, and is currently being used in mikvehs in Bnei Brak.

Bacteria (illustrative) (photo credit: REUTERS)
Bacteria (illustrative)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
A state-of-the-art disinfectant developed by the Israel Institute for Biological Research and distributed by Tera Novel is capable of killing 100% of bacteria, viruses, molds and some fungi, including the novel coronavirus.
“Our disinfectant works in a very different way from many others,” Tera Novel chairwoman Karen Cohen Khazon told The Jerusalem Post. “We also use hypochlorite, but in a very high [concentration] and we add some [additional ingredients] so that anywhere the disinfectant is sprayed, it becomes a very white film of gel which keeps the [material] on the surface for a while.”
To clean it off, she explained, you simply need to rinse it off with water or clean it off with a towel or paper towel.
Hazon explained that the disinfectant works well on walls, ceilings, floors, toilets, restrooms, spas, airport bathrooms, and now, mikvaot (ritual baths).
The company began a test run in Bnei Brak as part of the effort to slowly ease the coronavirus restrictions in the region by using the disinfectant in mikvaot in the ultra-Orthodox city. The pilot is seemingly a success, as the town plans on reopening mikvaot in the coming days.
Bnei Brak was one of the cities hit the worst by the novel coronavirus. The city was declared a “restricted zone” in early April and residents were banned from leaving the city in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. Now, as the country slowly returns to normal, Bnei Brak is using the new technology to attempt the same.
“They are very excited to bring the mikvaot back to societies, to go back to normal life,” Khazon told the Post. “We are very flattered and happy to be part of trying to bring society back to their routine in Bnei Brak, especially after the very tough time they had to go through.”
The technology was originally developed for and used by the IDF and Israel’s security forces, and was later transferred for use by the US army, as well. It is, for the most part, kept in emergency warehouses until the need arises: a need much like the coronavirus pandemic.
Tera Novel plans on continuing to provide the disinfectant to other organizations in the public arena such as “hospitals spas, mikvaot, [retirement homes] and others that are contaminated by nature,” Khazon said.
A pilot was already in effect in an Israeli hospital, she told the Post, and will move into retirement homes soon. They are also working on a deal with Israeli gyms.

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“It’s an Israeli state-of-the-art technology to disinfect and terminate all the environmental infections and today, when we need to get rid of the coronavirus and other viruses, it’s very good that Israel and the Israel Biological Institute with Tera Novel could take this product and move it from defense and army and security development to civilian life,” Khazon told the Post. “It can help people go back to normal life.”