Mazal Tov! Baby rhino born at Ramat Gan Safari

The park said on Monday morning that the southern white rhino was born on December 30. Rhinos are one of the most endangered species in the world.

Mommy Rhino, Karen Peles stands with her new born calf at the Ramat Gan Zoo on Tu B'Shevat. (photo credit: ELAD HERSKOWITZ)
Mommy Rhino, Karen Peles stands with her new born calf at the Ramat Gan Zoo on Tu B'Shevat.
(photo credit: ELAD HERSKOWITZ)
Mazal Tov! It's a girl. The Ramat Gan Safari Park announced the arrival of a special gift on Tu Bishvat - the birth of baby female rhino.
The park said on Monday morning the southern white rhino was born on December 30.
"But even before the therapists put her in the open-air maternity ward," Keren Peles, the rhino named for the famous Israeli musician, "gave birth outside the fenced area," the park said. This is Peles's second calf.
"Over the last few weeks the little rhino suckled on its mother, and also watched other rhinoceroses and other animals while she and her mother remained in a protected area," a statement from the safari read.
Therapists taking care of the mother and baby planned to leave them in the protected area for at least another week or two, but on Thursday, just before dark, "the curious little rhino calf decided to step out through the bars of the maternity hospital on her own and turned out to be particularly energetic and daring."
The little calf began to run in all directions and also met Atari, the male rhino.
"The caregivers hurried to remove the mother from the [protected] area, and the two were immediately reunited," the park said. Peles, who is an experienced mother, kept Atari the male away from and did not let him near her little daughter after he had tried to initially push her away when they first encountered each other.
The mother, who is 31 years old, has been part of the safari since its inception, and her little daughter is now walking around in the open.
The little calf is receiving lessons from her mother and is learning about how to deal with her new family, and the other animals who call the safari home. The new calf is yet to be named.
In September, Tanda, another rhino at the safari, gave birth to her fourth rhino calf.

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Rhinos are one of the most endangered species in the world. The southern white rhinoceros has been poached almost to extinction, thanks to the desirability of its horns. A rhino horn can sell for $3,000 per 500 grams.
Between January and September 2018, 508 rhinos were poached in South Africa.