Turkish FM: Citizens killed in Israeli raid on Gaza-bound ships.
By ASSOCIATED PRESS, jpost.1eye.us STAFFGazaProtestFlotilla311(photo credit: .)
Turkey's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that four Turkish citizens are among those that were killed in Monday's Israeli raid on the Gaza-bound aid ship the Mavi Marmara.Nine aboard the ship, which was part of a larger aid flotilla sent to break Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip, were reportedly killed when Israeli soldiers boarded the ship early Monday.RELATED:'Next time we'll use more force'Turkey demands int’l inquiry c’teeThis is the first report on the identities of those killed in Monday's events.The Turkish Foreign Minister's announcement comes as relations between Turkey and Israel have rapidly deteriorated in the wake of the events aboard the Mavi Marmara. The ship began its journey from Turkey.Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan sharply criticized Israel for the flotilla raid on Tuesday, calling the events a "bloody massacre."Turkey's Foreign Minister also demanded on Monday that the US condemn Israel's raid.Israel's Counter Terrorism Bureau issued a travel advisory on Monday, warning its citizens not to travel to Turkey.Several anti-Israel demonstrations were reported in Turkey on Monday, including an attempt to storm the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul.