WATCH: 'Philanthropy starts with curiosity'

In the fifth episode of 'The Philanthropists,’ Pnina and Marcel Pinchevsky discuss Israel, Hebrew University, and the value of giving.

'The Philanthropists,’ Pnina and Marcel Pinchevsky

Canadian Friends of Hebrew University & The Philanthropists Present:

'The hidden art of giving': In conversation with Pnina and Marcel Pinchevsky

Wednesday, April 10

9 am PST | 12 pm EST | 19:00 Israel time | 17:00 UK time

Pnina and Marcel Pinchevsky have long-lasting and deep connections to Israel and the Hebrew University. Pnina was born in Haifa to Holocaust survivors and attended Hebrew University, where she earned her degree in social work. Like Pnina, Marcel was born to Holocaust survivors. As a child, he spent time in France and Israel and arrived in Canada with his family at the age of six.

Pnina and Marcel today support scholarships at Hebrew University’s School of Social Work and IMRIC ( Institute for Medical Research Israel Canada ) that are given to deserving students in the school.

“We believe in the profession of social work, and we feel that people don’t know enough about it,” says Pnina. “So many parts of our lives are helped by social work. We felt it was important to have scholarships and develop research and expertise in the field of social work.”

Marcel says that visiting Hebrew University has become part of their annual visits to Israel. “It is an amazing place. It is built on a mountain, and you feel like you are walking on history. It is unlike anything I have ever seen before.”

“Philanthropy starts with curiosity,” says Pnina. “You have to be curious about the world.” Throughout their lives, Pnina and her husband Marcel have always harbored a desire and an interest to learn and explore new vistas and, in doing so, better the world.

“Giving is something that which we as Jews and human beings should undertake, if we have an opportunity to help our fellow man,” adds Marcel. “The word that I have always focused on is tzedaka, which means giving of yourself and your time, not just money.”

Meet Pnina and Marcel Pinchevsky in the fifth episode of the 2023-24 season of ‘The Philanthropists,’ a video series hosted by Ralph Benmergui, Canadian television and radio personality, presented by the Canadian Friends of Hebrew University, which delves into the lives of those who give, exploring their sense of purpose and what makes giving meaningful.