IN PICTURES: Deadliest shooting in American history
Photographers on the scene of the shooting at a concert in Las Vegas captured haunting images of the tragic event.
By STAFFUpdated: OCTOBER 2, 2017 16:54 People take cover at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival in Las Vegas after gun fire was heard(photo credit: DAVID BECKER/GETTY IMAGES/AFP)
At least 50 people were killed and more than 400 injured in the deadliest shooting in American history. The mass shooting took place at a concert in Las Vegas on Sunday evening. The shooter opened fire on the crowd of concert-goers from the 32nd floor of a hotel. The man, identified as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, committed suicide before police arrived.Police have warned that the death toll may continue to rise.According to the police, the shooter acted alone and had no known connection to a militant group. They are searching for another person of interest, a woman named Marilou Danley.Photographers on the scene captured haunting images of the tragic event.Las Vegas Police and medical workers stage after a mass shooting at a music festival in Las Vegas (STEVE MARCUS / REUTERS)People run from the Route 91 Harvest country music festival after gun fire (DAVID BECKER / GETTY IMAGES / AFP)Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Shooting October 1, 2017. (YouTube/yx0ify)A cowboy hat lays in the street after shots were fired near a country music festival in Las Vegas (DAVID BECKER / GETTY IMAGES / AFP)People flee the Route 91 Harvest country music festival grounds in Las Vegas after a mass shooting (DAVID BECKER / GETTY IMAGES / AFP)Las Vegas police stand guard along the streets of Las Vegas after a mass shooting (DAVID BECKER / GETTY IMAGES / AFP)A man lays on top of a woman as people flee a mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada (DAVID BECKER / GETTY IMAGES / AFP)
People tend to the wounded outside the scene of a mass shooting at a music festival in Las Vegas (DAVID BECKER / GETTY IMAGES / AFP)A pair of cowboy boots in the street outside the concert venue after a mass shooting in Las Vegas (STEVE MARCUS / REUTERS)