69% say Israel to enter third COVID-19 wave; Yamina, Yesh Atid rise - poll

If the elections were held today, the right wing-haredi bloc would receive 65 mandates, and could largely reform the 2015 government.

Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett (photo credit: REUTERS)
Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party have not regained their popularity since the beginning of the second wave of COVID-19, receiving 29 mandates in a new poll published by Channel 13 and Prof. Camille Fuchs which asked Israelis whom they would vote for if elections were held today, as well as numerous other questions about the current heated state of the country.
When asked whether they believe Israel is on its way to a third lockdown, 69% said yes, while only 16% believed the country could prevent one. 15% said they didn't know.
In the political sector, Yamina has been maintaining its recent high poll numbers, getting 22 mandates – more than four times its current amount. Yesh Atid-Telem has also been rising in the polls recently, getting 20 mandates. Blue and White received 10.
The Joint List has lost ground since the election, receiving 12 mandates. Yisrael Beytenu, United Torah Judaism and Shas all received 7 mandates, while Meretz received 6. Labor, Gesher, Derech Eretz and Bayit Yehudi did not clear the electoral threshold.
If the elections were held today, the right wing-haredi bloc would receive 65 mandates, and could largely reform the 2015 government. 
The poll also asked if people would vote for a new party headed by Ron Huldai, if the elections were held today and the Tel Aviv mayor had opened a new political party.
Huldai's hypothetical party would receive 7 mandates in such a case, taking votes primarily from Meretz, Yesh Atid and Blue and White, and even adding one mandate to the right wing bloc.
When asked who Israelis think is best suited to serve as prime minister, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu comes in first at 36%, followed by Yamina's Naftali Bennett with 21%, Yesh Atid-Telem's Yair Lapid with 15%, Blue and White's Benny Gantz with 11%, and 17% who answered that they didn't know.
When asked about the upcoming US presidential election, 68% of Israelis think President Donald Trump would be better for Israel, 12% think Biden would be better for Israel, and 20% didn't know or have an opinion on the matter.
Some 54% said they did not feel satisfied with Netanyahu's handling of the coronavirus crisis, while 25% of respondents said they were moderately satisfied and only 16% said they were completely satisfied with the prime minister's handling of the crisis.

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When asked where they see themselves financially in six months, 35% said they don't expect any change and 20% said their financial condition will be worse. 33% of Israelis believe their financial condition will improve by then, while 12% didn't know.