Israel elections: After Eisenkot, Shaked doesn't pass threshold in 3 polls

How did the entry of former chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot affect election polls? Here are the numbers.

 Gadi Eizenkot, Gideon Sa'ar and Benny Gantz announce Eizenkot's entry into the National Unity Party. (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/MAARIV)
Gadi Eizenkot, Gideon Sa'ar and Benny Gantz announce Eizenkot's entry into the National Unity Party.

The newly renamed National Unity Party run by Benny Gantz and Gideon Sa'ar would either remain the same as in past polls or would rise by at most two seats, while the Zionist Spirit party is pushed further away from entering the 25th Knesset, according to a series of new polls published on Sunday.

Channel 11

According to a poll published by Channel 11 on Sunday, the Likud Party would earn 35 seats, while Yesh Atid would earn 22 seats, the National Unity Party would earn 14 seats and the Religious Zionist party would earn nine seats.

Meanwhile, Shas would earn eight seats, United Torah Judaism would earn seven seats, the Joint List would earn six seats, and Labor, Yisrael Beytenu and Ra'am would each earn five seats while Meretz would earn four seats. The Zionist Spirit party would not pass the electoral threshold.

The poll leaves the bloc supporting former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu with 59 seats and the bloc against him with 50, excluding Ra'am and the Joint List.

 Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked and Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel launch the Zionist Spirit party (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/MAARIV)
Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked and Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel launch the Zionist Spirit party (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/MAARIV)

Channel 12

According to a poll published by Channel 12 on Sunday, the Likud Party would earn 34 seats, while Yesh Atid would earn 23 seats, the National Unity Party would earn 14 seats and the Religious Zionist party would earn 10 seats.

Meanwhile, Shas would earn eight seats, United Torah Judaism would earn seven seats, the Joint List would earn six seats, Labor and Yisrael Beytenu each would earn five seats and Meretz and Ra'am would each earn four seats. The Zionist Spirit party would not pass the electoral threshold.

The poll leaves the bloc supporting former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu with 59 seats and the bloc against him with 51, excluding Ra'am and the Joint List.

Channel 13

According to a poll published by Channel 13 on Sunday, the Likud Party would earn 34 seats, while Yesh Atid would earn 23 seats, the National Unity Party would earn 12 seats and the Religious Zionist party would earn 11 seats.

Meanwhile, Shas would earn eight seats, United Torah Judaism would earn seven seats, the Joint List and Labor would each earn six seats, Ra'am would earn five seats and Meretz and Yisrael Beytenu would each earn four seats. The Zionist Spirit party would not pass the electoral threshold.

The poll leaves the bloc supporting former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu with 60 seats and the bloc against him with 49, excluding Ra'am and the Joint List.

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Channel 14

According to a poll published by Channel 14 on Sunday, the Likud Party would earn 34 seats, while Yesh Atid would earn 22 seats, the National Unity Party would earn 13 seats and the Religious Zionist party would earn 11 seats.

Meanwhile, Shas would earn nine seats, United Torah Judaism would earn seven seats, Labor, Yisrael Beytenu, the Joint List and Ra'am would each earn five seats and Meretz would earn four seats. The Zionist Spirit party would not pass the electoral threshold.