'A true Zionist': Michel Nisenbaum's body recovered and returned to Israel

The body of 59-year-old Michel Nisenbaum from Sderot was found in Gaza and brought back to Israel

 Michel Nisenbaum. (photo credit: Hostages and Missing Families Forum)
Michel Nisenbaum.
(photo credit: Hostages and Missing Families Forum)

The body of 59-year-old Michel Nisenbaum from Sderot was found in Gaza and brought back to Israel along with two other hostages on Wednesday morning.

Nisenbaum held Brazilian citizenship and was initially declared missing. He had left his house in Sderot to collect his 4-year-old granddaughter from her father, an officer in the Gaza division.

Nisenbaum was unable to meet with them as ten minutes later, his son-in-law and granddaughter were attacked at the Re’im IDF base. The father shielded his daughter under his desk, covering her with a bulletproof vest and firing at terrorists through the office window. Both survived.

Nisenbaum himself was shot and killed by terrorists while driving on Route 232. One of his daughters attempted to call him, but the phone was answered by a Hamas terrorist, who shouted the name of the terrorist organization into the phone.

 Michel Nisenbaum, 59 from Sderot, taken from the road to Re'im (credit: COURTESY THE FAMILY)
Michel Nisenbaum, 59 from Sderot, taken from the road to Re'im (credit: COURTESY THE FAMILY)

Nisenbaum's burnt car was later discovered in the middle of the road, although police confirmed that he wasn’t in it when it was set ablaze. 


Nisenbaum was born and raised in Brazil and made aliyah aged 13. He leaves two daughters, Chen and Michal. Chen has three young children, the oldest of whom is seven years old. Nisenbaum's daughter Michal gave birth to her third child, a boy, earlier this year. 

Ashkelon Mayor Tomer Glam expressed his sorrow at the discovery of the bodies of the three hostages, including Michel Nisenbaum, saying, "Nisenbaum was a devoted family man, a beloved friend, and a true Zionist. He was kidnapped while he was going to rescue his granddaughter on October 7."

The Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi said, "We prayed all the time and hoped that Michel's ending would be different and he would return to his loving family, his daughters Chen and Michal, his grandchildren, and to us in Sderot.