'I think it's wrong': Nancy Pelosi knocks Netanyahu Congress invitation on CNN

Netanyahu was officially invited last week by US House Speaker Mike Johnson to speak before both houses of Congress in Washington. It was later confirmed that his address will take place on July 24.

 U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) walks to a democratic caucus meeting to nominate their own candidate for the next Speaker of the House, after Kevin McCarthy was ousted as Speaker, at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., October 10, 2023. (photo credit:  REUTERS/Leah Millis )
U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) walks to a democratic caucus meeting to nominate their own candidate for the next Speaker of the House, after Kevin McCarthy was ousted as Speaker, at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., October 10, 2023.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Leah Millis )

Former US Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, sharply criticized the invitation extended to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before Congress next month during an interview with Dana Bash on CNN on Thursday.

"Absolutely not, I think it's wrong. To be honest, I did not approve of his invitation last time, but the speaker alone invited him without consulting," Pelosi stated towards the beginning of the interview. "He came and criticized President Obama, and I thought it was completely inappropriate. I feel it is very sad that he was invited, but who knows by then - will he still be Prime Minister?"

"What's Benny Gantz going to say tomorrow? Everything I read says that they're unhappy over there. Unhappy about this, unhappy about that," she said referring to Benny Gantz's official press release that will take place on Saturday night- the night of his ultimatum for leaving the government which he gave to Netanyahu a few weeks ago.

Pelosi continued, "I wish he would be a statesman and do what is right for Israel. We all love Israel. We have all fought for Israel. October 7 was horrible. Hamas is a terrorist organization, dedicated to the destruction of Israel. I have clear and deep disagreements with the Prime Minister, but because the US-Israel relationship is as strong as iron, I joined Chuck Schumer's request."

"I don't think it's a wise decision, but I respect others who have their own opinion on it. And Chuck is a strong supporter of Israel, like me. Just because I don't support Netanyahu doesn't mean we don't support Israel," she added. "But I'm not judging anyone's invitation or presence. And again, Israel has no better friend than Chuck Schumer. So I respect his opinion, though I don't necessarily share it."

 GIVEN THE lingering controversy over Netanyahu’s last address to Congress, and given the divisions inside the Democratic Party today over support for Israel, some are asking whether a trip to Washington is the wise thing to do. (credit: JOSHUA ROBERTS/REUTERS)
GIVEN THE lingering controversy over Netanyahu’s last address to Congress, and given the divisions inside the Democratic Party today over support for Israel, some are asking whether a trip to Washington is the wise thing to do. (credit: JOSHUA ROBERTS/REUTERS)

Netanyahu gets formally invited to address Congress

Netanyahu was officially invited last week by US House Speaker Mike Johnson to speak before both houses of Congress in Washington. It was later confirmed that his address will take place on July 24.

In his expected speech, the Prime Minister will become the first foreign leader to address Congress four times, despite his disagreements with the Biden administration regarding the war in Gaza.