AACI launches COVID-19 assistance fund for English-speaking olim
The association was notified since the beginning of the pandemic in March that a consequent number of people lost their jobs, and families were struggling to make ends meet.
By SARAH CHEMLANew Olim with Nefesh B'Nefesh(photo credit: NETANEL COHEN)
The Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel (AACI), which has helped thousands of olim coming from English-speaking countries over the years since its founding in 1951, launched at the beginning of August the AACI's Corona Emergency Assistance Fund in order to help new immigrants (first generation olim) who face economic difficulties due to the coronavirus pandemic.AACI was notified since the beginning of the pandemic in March that a significant number of people lost their jobs, and that families were struggling to make ends meet, couldn’t pay their rent, and struggled to get basic needs such as food or medicine.For example, AACI is reporting the story of Beverly – whose real name has been changed to protect the family's privacy – “a single mom in Haifa lost her job in April when her company downsized because of [the coronavirus], and is struggling to pay her bills. Her local makolet allowed her to buy on credit for the first month but now insists on payment. With three children and one computer, school assignments weren’t always completed. She is relying on the kindness of neighbors to watch her children while she looks for a new job, and has turned to AACI for financial help.”During the last few months, AACI contacted thousands of English speakers across the country through e-mails and phone calls to offer them help in facing the coronavirus pandemic through guidance, support and resources.AACI already received thousands of shekels from donors and made sure that 100% of the money was transferred to families and people in urgent need AACI already knew about.The association is encouraging further donations from those who are able, so many more people in difficult situations could be assisted.For further information about AACI’s Corona Emergency Assistance Fund, write to info@aaci.org.il or go to www.aaci.org.il.