Surrounded by friends and loved ones, St.-Sgt. Ido Baruch laid to rest

Over a thousand friends and family members came to the cemetery in Gedara to accompany him on his last journey.

 Funeral of the late St.-Sgt. Ido Baruch (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/MAARIV)
Funeral of the late St.-Sgt. Ido Baruch

St.-Sgt. Ido Baruch, 21, who was killed Tuesday in a terrorist attack near Shavei Shomron in the northern West Bank, was laid to rest on Wednesday, in the presence of hundreds.

The young soldier’s father said kaddish for him, followed by Lt.-Col. Ariel Gonen, commanding officer of the elite Sayeret Givati unit, eulogized him.

 “Ido, we stand here shocked and pained by the unimaginable loss... You were a revered and loved commander and acted with determination and courage. Ido had a spirit of dedication and love for people,” Gonen said.

Roni Kalibitsky, his partner, said: “My Ido, I can’t imagine that I’ll wake up in the morning and you won’t be by my side. Ido and I were together for three years and everyone knew that it would be forever. We didn’t believe we would ever be separated. You will always remain in my heart. Thank you for teaching me about true love.”

My Ido, I can’t imagine that I’ll wake up in the morning and you won’t be by my side. Ido and I were together for three years and everyone knew that it would be forever. We didn’t believe we would ever be separated. You will always remain in my heart. Thank you for teaching me about true love.”

Roni Kalibitsky

Hendi, a friend of the family, also eulogized Baruch."What can be said about a child who is an angel, handsome, salt of the earth. There are no words that can describe the vast void. Ido was murdered while working hard in the sacred work of protecting Israel, he is a son of all of us."

Racheli and Alon, the leaders of the Shahar Scout tribe, said they were “all shocked and pained by the death of Ido, who was one of the pillars of the tribe.”

The head of the Gedera council, Yoel Gamliel, told Baruch’s parents that he was a special child.

“You raised a child with values, virtues and strengths. He would do anything for the community. One day he came and performed a bat mitzvah for a disabled girl, you don’t know how happy this girl was thanks to him.”Ido’s mother was the last to speak.

“It all started 21 years ago. Ido, a funny boy, a special and unique boy, always likes to give and help everyone he can. The super organizer, a gifted DJ, a key activist in the Scouts, an exemplary member of the State of Israel, an admirable figure.

“You were the best, you touched everyone. We love you, our son, we are proud of you.”

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Ido's partner recounts the last time they spoke

Earlier, Baruch’s partner shared with the media the account of the last time they spoke.

“At five in the morning he took a picture for me. I actually recognized from the news about the attack that it was the same place as the picture he sent me. I called him 15 times and he didn’t answer me. In the last message I sent him, I wrote for him just to answer me so that I would know everything was fine,” Kalibitsky recounted.

Upon receiving the news of his death, she said she “saw that there had been an attack in Samaria, but I didn’t try to find out if Ido was really involved in it. After I inquired and realized that he was wounded, I went to the hospital with my family and his.

“We knew from the media that there was a minor injury. We understood from friends that it was Ido and because the situation was not clear we went to the hospital. As soon as we arrived, we learned of his death.”Her last conversation with Ido was on Monday evening.

“He called to say good night and told me he was going on a mission. I asked him if it wasn’t dangerous, and he said it was nonsense and it would be fine.”