In first, Israeli children with limb disabilities will receive allowance

The new budget approval will help provide parents of children with disabilities with help with their daily expenses.

Picture of the Labor and Welfare Committee voting on the approval of the budget. (photo credit: Knesset spokeswoman-Noam Moshkowitz)
Picture of the Labor and Welfare Committee voting on the approval of the budget.
(photo credit: Knesset spokeswoman-Noam Moshkowitz)

A new budget allocation for children with disabilities affecting one limb was approved by the Knesset Labor and Welfare Committee on Thursday.

Previously, according to the law, only children with disabilities affecting two or more limbs were entitled to receive a disability allowance.

Due to the approval of the new budget, which will be brought into effect immediately, children with a disability affecting one limb will receive an allowance of NIS 1,527.

Welfare and Social Affairs Ministry member MK Yoav Ben-Tzur said: "This is good news for parents who need significant assistance for their children and by providing financial assistance we can help to alleviate the financial cost of some of the treatments and assistance for those dearest to them. Everything we can improve, we will examine and treat with the greatest of reverence and change all that we can."

National Insurance Institute Director-General Yarona Shalom said: "From this time, we want to put forward legislation in which parents of children with a disability affecting one limb will be able to receive an allowance for assistance in their daily expenses. I am glad that this day has come and we have done social justice [for the children]."

MK Yoav Ben-Tzur (Shas). (credit: Courtesy)
MK Yoav Ben-Tzur (Shas). (credit: Courtesy)

Krembo Wings' summer camps

The youth movement Krembo Wings (Knafayim Shel Krembo) was forced to cancel their summer camps earlier this week due to a lack of funding from the government.

However, after Yesh Atid MK Simon Davidson filed an urgent query to Welfare and Social Affairs Minister Yaakov Mergi concerning the budget cuts, they were reversed.

Mergi said that the camps will take place and that the budget correspondingly would increase by NIS 17.5 million per year, according to Ynet. The program, which was founded in 2002 by social entrepreneur Adi Altschuler, helps to integrate children both those with and without special needs. The program has 9000 members and over 90 branches across Israel.