'Judicial reform will let us tell the truth to the world,' says MK Rothman after ICJ ruling

He also addressed the judicial reform, of which he was a chief proponent, and stated that at the time he had received warnings from the legal system in Israel.

 MK Simcha Rothman speaks of the judicial reform. May 29, 2024. (photo credit: MK SIMCHA ROTHMAN'S OFFICE)
MK Simcha Rothman speaks of the judicial reform. May 29, 2024.

Religious Zionism Knesset Member Simcha Rothman on Tuesday spoke at a legal conference in Budapest where he addressed the judicial reform in the context of the ICJ ruling and current criticism against Israel’s military operation in Gaza.

Rothman affirmed Israel was not committing genocide, but argued that Israel faces scrutiny from international legal bodies, regardless of the reality.

He also referred to the judicial reform, of which he was a chief proponent, and stated that at the time he had received warnings from the legal system in Israel claiming that any slight changes which would be made to the legal system would result in international rulings against Israel. 

Israel's High Court of Justice (credit: ISRAELTOURISM / WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)
Israel's High Court of Justice (credit: ISRAELTOURISM / WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)

'You cannot rely on the legal system'

Rothman continued “The reform was of course not related in any way to the laws of war, criminal proceedings, war crimes or anything related to the defense system of the State of Israel, which we allegedly receive from the Israeli legal system against the ICC and the ICJ."

He further added, “The answer was and always will be: You cannot rely on your legal system as a shield against international forces because the international legal system has nothing to do with law or justice. The systems are driven solely by political motives.”

The fact that Israel sent Aharon Barak to argue its case at the Hague and it did not help further invalidate those who claim that protecting the judicial system will help Israel internationally, Rothman concluded.