New Lev Esh project champions mental health initiative for Israel's healing

Philanthropist Olessia Kantor offered hope amidst national trauma at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference.

Philanthropist and social entrepreneur Olessia Kantor shared her insights on the impact of trauma and the urgent need for national healing in Israel.

In a moving address at The Jerusalem Post 2024 Annual Conference in New York on Monday, philanthropist and social entrepreneur Olessia Kantor shared her insights on the impact of trauma and the urgent need for national healing in Israel.

Kantor began by recounting her personal journey, and her decade-long history of dedication to assisting vulnerable communities, particularly women in shelters and bright young adults from low-income families. However, the course of her philanthropic efforts dramatically shifted following the "horrific, life-changing" Hamas terrorist attack on October 7th that shook Israel to its core.

"The moment one cannot change a painful fate, not only must one accept it, but also find some meaning in it, seek some achievement in it," Kantor quoted Victor Frankl, stating how deeply the sentiment resonated with her as she navigated these traumatic events.

Kantor's response to the crisis was swift and decisive. 

"If we fail to rebuild the resilience within our society," she said "the weakness will only spread and deepen." In November 2023, Kantor founded the Lev Esh (Fire Heart) project, recognizing the urgent need to address the burgeoning mental health crisis gripping the nation. Lev Esh serves as a vital lifeline, connecting individuals affected by trauma with a network of practitioners, including psychologists, psychiatrists, and holistic therapists.

Throughout her speech, Kantor stressed the need for a national program to address the pervasive trauma, particularly among the youth, who bear the brunt of the ongoing crisis. "We have to do everything possible to get the young people back to their lives," she said, lamenting the lack of government initiatives and urging for concerted efforts to prioritize mental health and resilience-building.

As she concluded her speech, Kantor expressed gratitude to those, like Prof. Yossi Levi-Belz, who have rallied behind her cause, making the importance of collective action in overcoming adversity all the more apparent. Kantor's impassioned plea was a reminder of the power of solidarity and compassion in times of crisis. "The last war has proven to us all," Kantor said "how much power lies within the Israeli human capital."