New right-wing central commander likely to be harder on Palestinian terrorism

Israeli settlers have accused the last few IDF central commanders of spending too much time cracking down on Jewish violence versus Palestinian violence.

Brigade Commander Colonel Avi Bluth 370 (photo credit: TOVAH LAZAORFF)
Brigade Commander Colonel Avi Bluth 370
(photo credit: TOVAH LAZAORFF)

In a major development, Avi Bluth was promoted from the rank of brigadier general to major general as part of taking over the critical post of Central Command, which has responsibility for all of the West Bank.

Bluth replaces Yehuda Fuchs as central commander, with Fuchs having had tense relations with Israeli settlers.

Israeli settlers have accused Fuchs as well as the last few IDF central commanders of spending too much time cracking down on Jewish violence versus Palestinian violence.

Settler violence

In contrast, most of the world and even some Israeli political groups have said that the IDF has done too little to crack down on Jewish violence against Palestinians and argued that Palestinian West Bank terrorism will only be managed by a mix of force and a diplomatic horizon.

 Israeli settler leaders are seen arguing with lawmakers at a meeting of the Knesset Finance Committee, in Jerusalem, on December 11, 2023. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Israeli settler leaders are seen arguing with lawmakers at a meeting of the Knesset Finance Committee, in Jerusalem, on December 11, 2023. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

Bluth is known as being more right-wing than Fuchs and other previous central commanders and grew up in the West Bank settlement of Neve Tzuf.

He was previously one of Fuch's top deputies, during which time he cracked down heavily on Palestinian terrorism.

Also, he served as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's military secretary.