settlements israel

EU condemns expansion of 'illegal settlements across the occupied West Bank'

"The European Union firmly condemns the announcement by Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich that over 800 hectares of land in the occupied Palestinian territory."

Israeli commander calls to resettle Gaza, reprimanded by IDF

The IDF claims that the "officer expressed remorse" after being reprimanded.

Blinken, Kirby 'disappointed' in Israel's approval for thousands of new West Bank homes

Israel intends to advance plans for 3,000 new settler homes in the aftermath of the West Bank terror attack next to a checkpoint heading into Jerusalem.

US tells Israel settlements serious issue, raised at highest level

There was a dramatic spike of 303% in housing starts from the first and second quarters of 2023.

Israel sets borders for three recently-legalized West Bank outposts

Two of the new settlements Avigail and Asael are located in the South Hebron Hills while the third, Beit Hogla is in the Megilot region by the Dead Sea.

Settlers aim for 1 million Israelis living in West Bank's Samaria by 2050

Should this plan come to fruition there would be at least 25 cities in Samaria by 2050, compared to Samaria’s one settler city of Ariel.

Facing reality: Beyond the state of denial in Israeli-Palestinian relations - opinion

I tried to explain that just like us, almost all Palestinians want to control their own destiny and they do not want to live under the oppression and humility of occupation.

State confirms plans to return Israelis to destroyed Homesh settlement

Israelis will officially be allowed to return to the Homesh settlement in the West Bank.

There’s no such thing as ‘the’ settlements - opinion

Most new and renewed Jewish communities are neither “illegal” nor “colonial,” considering the Jewish connection to the land.


UN warns West Bank violence could ignite Gaza

“There is a constant risk that events in the West Bank could spill over to Gaza,” UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland told the Security Council on Tuesday.

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