IDF 'infidels': Yishai Cohen discusses Shas extremism, haredi politics

Rabbi Shlomo Machpud of Shas claims that ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students enlisting in the IDF are 'infidels'.

 Haredim demonstration against conscription  (photo credit: ITAI RON/FLASH90)
Haredim demonstration against conscription
(photo credit: ITAI RON/FLASH90)

Rabbi Shlomo Machpud, a member of the religious Shas party, claimed recently in an interview that a Yeshiva student who enlists in the IDF would be considered an 'infidel.' 

Yishai Cohen, editor for Kikar Hashabbat and Channel 12 news outlets, discussed the state of affairs in the haredi sector after the Supreme Court haredi draft decision.

Cohen stated, "Regarding the ultra-Orthodox public, there is great concern that the ombudsman is expected to publish the decision that it is not possible to finance daycare for children of draft-age recruits. This is NIS 1,500 per month for each child.

"They estimated that it might be possible to overcome this with legislation," Cohen continued. "Likud MK Yuli Edelstein surprised legislators when he said that a broad agreement was needed. I asked his office, and they told me that there should be at least a recommendation from Benny Gantz. Everyone says that the chances of obtaining the agreement of Gantz and Eisenkot are low because those who understand politics know that with an agreed draft law, the government will survive for another two years."

Shas party leaders continue to stand against Supreme Court draft decision

"The most concerning aspect for the ultra-Orthodox sector politicians is the extremism of the Shas leadership," Cohen explained.

"I had conversations with some of the rabbis of the Shas party. They feel that the state is trying to recruit their yeshiva students by force when the army is not yet ready... Senior members of the ultra-Orthodox sector say that although the Supreme Court made the decision, in the end, Netanyahu is the prime minister. There is a coalition agreement that he did not abide by from day one. He is unable to take control of his coalition, and the blame lies with him."