Coronavirus in Israel: Pregnant woman transferred as hospital beds lack
As of Monday, there are 14 people intubated in the coronavirus treatment units.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFA patient is comforted by a doctor in hospital. (photo credit: NATI SHOHAT/FLASH90)
A pregnant woman was transferred from Laniado Medical Center to Bellinson Medical Center for treatment due to a shortage of hospital beds in its coronavirus intensive care unit, according to a statement by Laniado.Another pregnant woman, who was brought in during the same 36-hour period, was in severe condition and had gone through an emergency operation while receiving treatment for the coronavirus.According to the statement, as of Monday, there are 14 people intubated in Laniado's coronavirus treatment units. This marks a record since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic."We ask the Finance Minister and the Health Minister to look the harsh reality in the eye and immediately solve the ongoing budget crisis the hospital is suffering from," the spokesperson statement said.