The Jerusalem House of Quality is an art center that promotes unique and distinctive artists and crafts in Jerusalem. Works created by its artists have been exhibited at the Israel Museum, ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, the Tel Aviv Museum and at other museums around the country and the world.
In its workshops, 35 artists create artwork in such diverse fields as contemporary Judaica, ceramic design, glass art, goldsmithing, painting and drawing. Sign up for our newsletter to learn more >>
Each year, the Jerusalem House of Quality Gallery hosts 15 rotating exhibitions. In addition, the house runs guided tours for the general public on the subject of humorous Jerusalem artwork as well as the surprising history of Jerusalem. The gallery is located in a charming, historic building that was formerly the hospital of St. John of the Order of the Hospitalier. Mysterious symbols of English nobility, 100-year-old Armenian ceramics, a replica of an ancient silver scroll and additional surprises await visitors.
Since most of the graduates of the arts in Jerusalem are leaving the city, the Jerusalem House of Quality is dedicated to retaining excellent artists in Jerusalem. As part of the efforts to attract artists to remain and create in Jerusalem, we are initiating a competition with prizes for young artists who stay in the city. First-prize winners will have their works shown in the Israel Museum for one month. The house also initiates joint projects such as concerts, book launches and design exhibitions with institutions and cultural entrepreneurs in Jerusalem.
We are delighted to host the Yoffi shel Israel project promoting Israeli art created by immigrant artists from Russia in an exhibition of paintings at the Jerusalem House of Quality. The images will be displayed on postcards as an intimate, personal connection between the painter and those who view them.
The poet Alexander Penn, who made aliyah from Russia, wrote, “And only the snow there was so white, so white, and here it’s so blue that it touches the soul.” The choice of the themes, colors and painting techniques of these immigrant artists is the exposure of their intimate, personal dialogue with Israel, its landscapes and culture.
We hope that audience members will see themselves as the recipients of these postcards and of the messages they carry.
The writer is the general manager of the Jerusalem House of Quality.
Yoffi shel Israel is open to the public at the Jerusalem House of Quality, 12 Hebron Road in Jerusalem, through November 15. It is supported by Russian-Israeli businessman Roman Abramovich and is a joint venture of Yoffi and The Jerusalem Post. The event is organized by Skizza, which is a cultural center for Russian-speaking Israelis.Learn how to buy your home in Israel with confidence >>