‘Erez was always ready to help others,’ says girlfriend of slain soldier

Staff Sgt. Erez Mishlovsky was killed in the battle in northern Gaza.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

The entire settlement of Oranit is mourning the loss of Staff Sgt. Erez Mishlovsky, a combat soldier in the Saber Battalion of the Givati Brigade, who was killed in a battle in the northern Gaza Strip

Nir Tal, head of the Oranit local council, ordered the flag at the settlement's entrance to be lowered to half-mast as a tribute to the fallen soldier. 

Mishlovsky was a graduate of the Oranit High School. 

Love beyond words

"Our love was beyond words,” Eden, his girlfriend of the past nine months, shared. “We met in Oranit, and he had deep care and compassion for everyone. He was always ready to give himself selflessly to others."

She added that the last time she saw Erez was on Saturday, October 7, when the war broke out. 

"After Shabbat was over, he and his friends went to the battalion base to organize military equipment,” she recalled. “The next day, they were already in Kfar Azza, fighting to eliminate the terrorists in the area." 

"Erez was always steadfast and resilient, making sure not to burden us with the hardships he faced,” she added. “Last Thursday, Erez called, and after our conversation, he sent me his final message - 'Bye, honey, I love you'."

Mishlovsky was also an exceptional basketball player. 

"Maccabi Oranit mourns the loss of the late Erez Michalovski, who grew up as a talented player and led the team to numerous achievements," the Maccabi Oranit’s page stated.