Hamas: Murder Israeli policeman who shot 17-year-old Palestinian stabber
The teen stabbed a police officer in a terrorist attack near the entrance to the Temple Mount last week
By MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMANIsraeli police officers (photo credit: IM TIRTZU)
Palestinians are calling to murder the Israeli police officer who shot and killed 17-year-old Nassim Abu Rumi last week.The teen stabbed a police officer in a terrorist attack near the entrance to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City last Thursday. He was accompanied by Hamoudeh Al-Sheikh, 14, who was critically wounded in the event.These Palestinians allegedly stabbed a 40-year-old officer during operational activity. Other police present at the scene shot at the two suspected assailants, killing Rumi.Posts began circulating in Arabic-language social media over the weekend including a photo of the officer who shot the teen with a circle around his head calling for the revenge murder of the policeman.The photo was shared on Facebook by the Hamas-affiliated Shehab News Agency, according to a release circulated Monday by the right-wing Zionist Im Tirzu NGO.“The extremist Zionist policeman circled in blue who shot the two Jerusalemite boys, Nassim Abu Rumi and Hamoudeh al-Sheikh, two days ago was also the one who took furniture from the prayer house at the Gate of Mercy last night,” read the post on the popular Facebook page with more than seven million followers.In response to the post, dozens of commentators issued calls to kill the police officer.“There are heroes in Jerusalem. The time of his stabbing is coming soon,” read one of the comments, said Im Tirzu.Other comments included, “Which type of car should I run him over with?” and “His days will come to an end, God willing.”Israel Police was notified of the post but issued no comment.