Israel team wins gold, silver, bronze medals in Asian Physics Olympiad
With 200 competitors from 25 nations, the Israeli team won three medals and was awarded a merit award.
By HAGAY HACOHENThe Israeli team that took part in the 2019 Asian Physics Olympiad (photo credit: FUTURE SCIENTISTS CENTER)
The Israeli team won three medals in the Asian Physics Olympiad - gold, silver and bronze - as well as an honorable mention in the May 5-13 event held in Australia.Aviv Tillinger won the Gold medal and 4'th absolute place, the highest award given to an Israeli yet in this competition.Eyal Walach won the silver medal, Eran Man won a bronze medal and Omri Ravad won an honorable mention.The other teammates were Liad Ronick, Ziv Kohn, Teddy Klaytman and Yonatan Hassoun. All are high school students currently in school.The competition includes two five-hour-long university-level exams, one in theory and the other in how to run an experiment. The topics students are asked on include X-ray jets from massive black holes, the properties of magnetic fluids and an investigation of the components used for a quantum-computer. Not every moment in the event was spent on science, as youth from around the world were encouraged to meet their fellows and to get to know their culture, to travel together and even attend a few parties. The students were trained for the competition by the Ministry of Education and the Future Scientists Center, with the support of the Maimonides Fund. Their instructors were almost always Physics Olympiad alumni who have first hand experience with the competition. Speaking with the Jerusalem Post, team leader Nitzan Artzi explained that jets from massive black holes are massive ultra-fast eruption around black holes. Israel is meant to host the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) in July 2019, the event will include members from roughly 80 countries.