Taking place from December 3-10, the festival, produced by Theater Company Jerusalem and managed by Osnat Gispan, will feature over 100 artists at Beit Mazia in Jerusalem.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFA SCENE from ‘Hard Love.’ (Erez Becker)(photo credit: EREZ BECKER)
From international original Israeli theater to video art, music shows and stand-up comedy, the fourth annual International Jewish Festival for Contemporary Art has something for everyone.Taking place from December 3-10, the festival, produced by Theater Company Jerusalem and managed by Osnat Gispan, will feature over 100 artists at Beit Mazia in Jerusalem.Among the dozens of performances is Rega Rega, the world premiere performance of songs by Sasha Argov, created by Sasha Berger with musical arrangements by Ronit Rolan, which opens the festival.Dani Basan, from the legendary band Tislam, will share the stories behind his songs in a performance created especially for the festival.The Morente Forte Theatre from Brazil will present Hard Love, a play by Moti Lerner which tells the story of an ultra-Orthodox couple who suffer a traumatic divorce after Tzvi’s decision to leave the haredi world. A forced meeting 20 years later rekindles the love and passion that has not faded.From Prague, Studio Dva Divaldlo will present the Israeli premiere of Madam Rubinstein, a sparkling comedy about the names and faces behind the glamorous world and cosmetic empires of two successful yet rival women, Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden.In the interactive Messiah in a New Light, more than 35 singers, musicians and dancers will present Handel’s Messiah in a revolutionary setting. The choir will sing moving in and among the audience, who will also be encouraged to move and dance.“Each performance tells a different story and raises relevant questions of the Israeli-Jewish identity,” said Gispan. “In the festival, each artist comes to tell their own story.”Information and Tickets available online at tcj.org.il and bimot.co.il, or by calling *6226.