Museum against Interior Ministry ousting Holocaust rescuer's descendant

The Ghetto Fighters' House Museum sent a letter on Thursday to Interior Minister MK Aryeh Deri requesting approval for the continued stay of Marlos Sonwald.

israel flag over valley  (photo credit: Courtesy)
israel flag over valley
(photo credit: Courtesy)
The Ghetto Fighters' House Museum sent a letter on Thursday to Interior Minister Arye Deri requesting approval for the continued stay of Marlos Sonwald, granddaughter of Truss Meihernik, who saved Shimi (Simcha) Label in the Netherlands during the Holocaust.
Apparently, the Population and Immigration Authority had decided not to approve the continuation of Marlos's stay, and demanded that she leave the country.
Marlos lives in Israel with her parents and grandparents, who 15 years ago decided to leave the Netherlands and work for Kibbutz Rosh Hanikra in order to intertwine their destiny with the Jewish people in the State of Israel.
The letter reads: "We appeal to the Honorable Minister to instruct the faith authorities to be flexible and to transcend the boundaries of bureaucracy and dry law - and to withdraw from this immoral decision out of a basic human understanding."
In Pirkei Avot, our sages wrote, "And where there are no people, strive to be a human being." "If Marlos's grandmother made a human choice, contrary to the draconian law of the time, and chose to risk her life and the lives of her family by saving the life of a Jewish child - the least we can do is make sure that her descendants are allowed to live here in Israel."