President Herzog to Israeli parties: 'Denounce incitement and violence'

Israel's President Isaac Herzog sent a letter to all party leaders on Thursday, regarding the upcoming elections.

 President of Israel Isaac Herzog speaking at opening of World Union of Jewish Studies Congress (photo credit: HAIM ZACH/GPO)
President of Israel Isaac Herzog speaking at opening of World Union of Jewish Studies Congress
(photo credit: HAIM ZACH/GPO)

Israel's President Isaac Herzog sent a letter to all party leaders on Thursday, regarding the upcoming elections. 

"Unfortunately, we see a significant rise in physical and verbal violence both on the ground and in social media," Herzog wrote. "This is the time to lead by example by all political leaders, and to be moderate, responsible and respectful."

The president continued by writing: "I implore you to condemn and denounce violence and incitement if there will be any, especially when it comes from, within your ranks. I want to highlight the importance of respecting the bereaved families and their pain."

"I implore you to condemn and denounce violence and incitement if there will be any, especially when it comes from, within your ranks."

President Isaac Herzog

Herzog calls for unity and for supporting democracy

Herzog also said "Who more than you are aware of the challenges we are now facing, History tells us that the basis for overcoming those challenges is our unity and our spirit. We have more in common than what divides us, and we will continue to live here together after the elections together.

"The Israeli democracy and society are important to all of us, and the elections to the Knesset should be and can be the basis for strengthening, and not for undermining both of them, as we have felt several times in recent years."

 President Isaac Herzog in his office at Beit Hanassi. (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
President Isaac Herzog in his office at Beit Hanassi. (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

The President also called party leaders to "show trust in the democratic procedure and to respect its outcome, whatever they may be,"

He ended his letter by writing: "I believe that election day is a festive day, a day when the Israeli sovereignty realizes itself. I call all Israeli citizens of all communities, sectors, faiths and ways of life to go vote in order to affect our lives here.