Party all night into the morning in three different halls: Leo Model, Vertigo and Kolban – and in addition, the yard, which will serve as a forth hall.
By ‘THE ARCHIVE’(photo credit: YONA BRODER)
1) Three-ring Purim celebrationParty all night into the morning in three different halls: Leo Model, Vertigo and Kolban – and in addition, the yard,which will serve as a forth hall.The evening will feature live music by the popular Marsh Dondurma band. Active since 2005 and comprised of 16 talented musicians, they will power the festivities with a variety of musical styles.Additional entertainment will be provided by some of the best local best DJs: Eitan Hasid and Yoav Saban, Gili Golomb, Yotam Elal,Hadar Sharir and Avi.A, plus a special trance roomwill feature Yogev Haruvi DJ and Didj.There will be a Megillah reading in the morning, a foodand beverage bar, open stage and good vibes.It all takes place from 9 p.m. on March 10 to 5 a.m. on March 11
at the Gerard Behar Center, 11 Bezalel St. NIS 48 to NIS 80.2) BoogiYah: Ladies-only BoogieEnjoy a trio of the top local women DJs: Limor Levin (“LimLim”), Sarit Green and Shoshana Hadar Sharir.The event will be made memorable with shmoozing, music, dance, a refreshments bar for food and drink, open stage and good spirits – plus a Megillah reading in the morning.Join the action from 9 p.m. on March 10 to 5 a.m. on March 11at Beit Navon, 59 Haneviim St., NIS 45 to 70.Info about both events: (02) 566-0018 or 052-860-8084.(Photo: Yoanna Blikman)