Rockets barrage from Gaza continues, hitting Ashdod and Beersheba

Hamas rocket barrages on southern Israel continued Sunday with almost 300 projectiles launched at Israel since Saturday.

Scene of the residential building in Ashdod hit by a rocket fired from Gaza that injured eight people, Monday, May 17, 2021. (Credit: Fire and Rescue Services)
Barrages of rockets continued to pound Israel on Monday, striking across southern Israel and scoring a direct hit on a home in Ashdod, injuring several people.
Since the beginning of operation "Guardian of the Walls," approximately 3,150 rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip at Israeli territory, of which almost a seventh – about 460 – failed launches fell in the Gaza Strip. 
In a barrage of at least seven rockets directed towards the city of Sderot on Monday, four made direct hits while at least one fell inside the Strip. 
More than 250 rockets were fired towards Israel between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Monday, with 25 landing short in the Gaza Strip. Over 130 rockets were fired toward Israel from the enclave from Saturday night to Sunday morning, with roughly half (55 rockets) launched towards central Israel overnight, sending thousands into shelters in Tel Aviv and several other cities in the Gush Dan region. Sirens were also activated in Beersheba, the West Bank and parts of the Negev.

The Iron Dome Air Defense System intercepted a significant number of the rockets and is said to have a success rate of approximately 90%.
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The barrages continued on Sunday and Monday morning, with rockets slamming into buildings in Ashkelon and Ashdod.

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No injuries were reported due to direct hits or shrapnel, but dozens were injured while running to bomb shelters. One soldier was transferred to Barzilai Hospital in light to moderate condition after being injured by a mortar shell.
Magen David Adom rescue services said that 10 civilians have been killed since the beginning of the fighting and another 306 have been injured to varying degrees. One soldier has also been killed.
According to the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza, 181 people have been killed since the fighting began, including 52 children and 31 women. Another 1200 have been injured.
IDF SPOKESPERSON Brig.-Gen. Hidai Zilberman on Sunday deflected criticism of the military's actions in the Gaza Strip, particularly the bombing of the Al Jala building with media offices on Saturday.
On Sunday, a rocket scored a direct hit on a Ashkelon synagogue, causing extensive damage. Video footage from the scene showed Israelis praising God for the "miracle" that the rocket missed the Torah scrolls by centimeters. 

Another rocket reportedly landed near a supermarket in Beersheba during the Sunday afternoon barrage.
Two rockets which hit Ashkelon destroyed five cars and a house, while another hit a house that was reportedly under construction in Ashdod. Shrapnel also fell near the Safari in Ramat Gan, injuring a macaque monkey at Ramat Gan's Safari Park. One of the Monday morning rockets hit a chicken coop.
Rockets fell in the Arab-Israeli town of Taibe and others fell near the West Bank cities of Ramallah and Tulkarem.