Ron Huldai: We are ready to reopen all the cultural institutions today

The Tel Aviv municipality has been supporting the cultural centers within the city for over a year, and Huldai said it was high time those laces were opened to the public.

Mayor Ron Huldai speaking in front of a mobile by Calder, on loan from the Israel Muesum.  (photo credit: NERIA BARR)
Mayor Ron Huldai speaking in front of a mobile by Calder, on loan from the Israel Muesum.
(photo credit: NERIA BARR)
We are ready to open all the cultural institutions, including the theaters, museums and concert halls, today for those who were vaccinated twice,” Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai told the press Sunday at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art (TAMA). He refused to answer any questions, saying it was not a political press conference.
“It has been a whole year that our cultural institutions have been closed,” Huldai said. “We presented our road map for opening them to the government, and we are happy to announce that the government has said it intends on opening them within two weeks.”
There is no need to wait, and institutions can be opened today, he said, adding: “There are more than a million people who already got two vaccinations and can participate in cultural events with no danger of infecting [others with] or contracting the coronavirus.”
“Our citizens are yearning for culture,” Huldai said. “They want to go to the museum, theater and concerts.”
Only those with a certificate saying they had been vaccinated would be allowed to enter museums and theaters, he said.
“This road map can be applied also to sport events and commerce,” he added.
The Tel Aviv Municipality has been supporting the cultural centers within the city for over a year, Huldai said, and it was “high time those places were opened to the public, using precaution and according to the strictest conditions.”
TAMA CEO Tania Coen-Uzieli said: “Everyone at the museum, visitors and workers, will only be people who were vaccinated twice.
This includes all personnel, security and others... We will make sure that people maintain social distancing and wear masks at all times.”
Presenting an exhibition of works by Alexander Calder, she said it was the first one-man show of this important artist in Israel.

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“We cannot wait for the museum to open again for the public, and we continue to work and get ready,” Coen-Uzieli said.
The Cameri Theater, which is next door, joined the event, presenting a new play, Corona Stories, written by several writers.
“The theater will open small plays, with one to two actors, and everyone, both on- and offstage, will only be people who were vaccinated twice and have a certificate,” the theater’s representative said.