‘We feel safer,’ say first recipients of third coronavirus shot

Israel is the first country in the world that has authorized a third Pfizer vaccine for people over 60 who have completed their full immunization for at least five months.

Jerusalem resident Klara Brieff is seen getting the third COVID-19 vaccine at a Meuhedet clinic, on August 1, 2021. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
Jerusalem resident Klara Brieff is seen getting the third COVID-19 vaccine at a Meuhedet clinic, on August 1, 2021.
Lilly and Irv Cantor, 71 and 72 years old, did not have any hesitation: As soon as the Health Ministry opened up the opportunity last Thursday for those over 60 to receive a third coronavirus vaccine, they decided to go for it.
On Friday, they called their healthcare provider, Meuhedet Health Maintenance Organization, to make an appointment.
“We wanted to get a third shot because of the Delta variant and because cases are rising,” Lilly Cantor said right after they were jabbed at Jerusalem’s Misgav Ladach Hospital.
The Cantors trusted the Health Ministry’s recommendation and did not feel the need to consult with their physician.
“I saw my doctor last week, and he didn’t even think the authorities were going to authorize a third vaccine,” Lilly Cantor said.
Israel is the first country in the world that has authorized a third Pfizer vaccine for those over 60 who have completed their full immunization at least five months before.
The spike in cases and the high rate of those vaccinated getting infected – as well as the significant percentage of those inoculated among serious patients, most of them elderly – persuaded the government to act fast, without waiting for approval by the US Food and Drug Administration.
Since the announcement, several Israeli public figures have already been inoculated to encourage citizens to do the same, including President Isaac Herzog and Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy.
After the health funds began scheduling appointments on Friday, tens of thousands of Israelis signed up within a few hours. Maccabi Healthcare Services said 55,000 of its members had booked an appointment, and Leumit Health Care Services said 12,000 of its members had.
“All our friends were talking about the third shot, including yesterday at shul,” Lilly Cantor said. “We are very happy we were able to get it on the first day. Some friends of ours told us that now there are no available slots until mid-August. We have grandchildren we want to continue to see. We feel safer now.”

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The vaccination station at Misgav Ladach was very busy on Sunday, with several people over 60 years old in line to get jabbed, as well as some children under 15.
One man in line told the healthcare workers Meuhedet had given him an appointment for Tuesday, when he is scheduled to have another medical procedure. After a few minutes, they gave him the shot.
Shalom Rothman, 70, who was inoculated on Sunday, said he had been following the news carefully.
“I was waiting for the third vaccine,” he said, alongside his wife. “Our grandchildren are too young to get vaccinated. We felt it was important to be careful.”
Giacomo Zippel said he booked his appointment for August 24.
“I am more scared of COVID than of possible side effects of the third vaccine, especially considering that I suffer from asthma and a mild emphysema,” he said, praising the efforts of the current government.
“Hooray to [Prime Minister Naftali] Bennett and to the third shot,” Zippel said.
Some people said they prefer to wait a little longer.
Diane Schneider, 73, said she was going to get her antibody level checked through a serological test, a procedure the health authorities have said is unnecessary.
“I received my first vaccine the first day they were offered,” she said. “I am by no means an anti-vaxxer; quite the opposite. However, no one, including Pfizer, has done any testing on a third vaccine, and I was not well for 36 hours after the second [shot].
“So, if my antibodies are high, I think I’ll wait and see how the reactions are. Even if they are low, I think I’ll wait to see the reactions.”