A network of alumni from WIZO’s schools and youth villages will serve as a new volunteer body working for the improvement of Israeli society.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFUpdated: OCTOBER 14, 2018 11:03LEFT TO RIGHT: Brig.-Gen. (res.) David Suissa, former chief artillery officer and chairman of the WIZO Graduate Association; Eden Harel, MC; MK Shelly Yacimovich; Danny Atar, KKL-JNF chairman; Prof. Rivka Lazovsky, World WIZO chairperson; Oshra Yosef Friedman, chairwoman of the Authority for the Adv(photo credit: KFIR SIVAN)
Hundreds of former WIZO (Women’s International Zionist Organization) students gathered at the CHW Hadassim Youth Village in Even Yehuda last Wednesday for the official launch of WIZO’s Graduates Association, a network of alumni from WIZO’s schools and youth villages that will serve as a new volunteer body working for the improvement of Israeli society.More than 3,000 WIZO graduates have already joined the association. Initiated and established by World WIZO Chairperson, Prof. Rivka Lazovsky, the organization will work alongside the WIZO Executive, to realize the WIZO values of volunteerism, promote equal opportunities in education and society, support weaker populations and promote the status of women.Dignitaries attending the grand opening event included MK Shelly Yacimovich, deputy chairwoman of the Authority for the Advancement of the Status of Women Oshra Yosef Friedman, and Danny Atar, chairman of KKL-JNF.“The establishment of the Graduate Association is a significant milestone in the 100-year history of WIZO and its dedication to society, and it reflects our commitment to the resilience of Israeli society and the entire country,” Lazovsky said.“Today, thousands of our graduates are leading in all areas of life and constitute a social force capable of influencing, changing and acting in the spirit of WIZO values to improve society and promote the welfare of diverse populations. We call on all our graduates to join the organization and embark on a journey of giving and influencing life in the State of Israel,” she continued.