Lazovsky emphasized that the issue of domestic violence concerns men and women alike, from all sectors of Israeli society.
By ALAN ROSENBAUMProf. Rivka Lazovsky, chair of WIZO, is presented an award at The Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference.(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
Speaking at the Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference, World WIZO (Women's International Zionist Organization) Chairperson Prof. Rivka Lazovsky stressed the importance of WIZO, which will be marking its 100th anniversary this July. WIZO is the main agent of change for women, children and youth in Israel, promoting security and equality for women, nurturing and educating preschool children, and providing education and direction for youth. “We have been here from the early days until today,” said Lazovsky, “to remind and to advocate, to talk to women and men, about women and on behalf of women.”Prof. Lazovsky lamented the growing violence against women in Israeli society, stating that while rockets and terror attacks generate headlines, violent attacks against women are rarely given comparable attention. In 2018, for example, 12 Israelis were murdered in terrorist attacks. During that same year, 22 women lost their lives to domestic violence. Yet, domestic violence is rarely the lead story on the news. “In order to be a strong society, women must be made full partners – empowered instead of disadvantaged,” said Lazovsky.Lazovsky emphasized that the issue of domestic violence concerns men and women alike, from all sectors of Israeli society. “This is about the character of the entire Israeli society,” she said. “Give us the tools and power to break out of the cycle of violence in which we are trapped.”Ronit Hasin-Hochman, CEO of the Jerusalem Post Group, presented Prof. Lazovsky with a special award honoring WIZO for its 100 years of outstanding service to the people of Israel and standing up against violence in Israeli society.