Rabbi Eliyahu: State should erect another yeshiva, another settlement for every Jew killed.
By jpost.1eye.us STAFFMercaz Harav Victims 248.88(photo credit: Courtesy)
Mercaz Harav Yeshiva on Thursday held a memorial service to mark 30 days since the terror attack that killed eight of its students. Among the speakers at the event was former chief rabbi, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, who said that the erection of new settlements would be the proper way to avenge the attack.
"The state should erect another town, another yeshiva and another settlement for every Jew killed," Eliyahu told the crowd at Mercaz Harav. "The government should divert larger funds to yeshivas - that will be our revenge."
"The universe is founded upon the study of Torah and our government should appreciate those who study Torah," he added.
The head of the yeshiva, Rabbi Yaakov Shapira said: "The Jewish people ask that there be a drop of self respect and that the massacre at the yeshiva not be glossed over. We are faced with the despicable phenomenon of those who aspire to set down a new and hollow path. We will do our part, carry the Lord's name on our lips and be fortified in our study of Torah.
The memorial was supposed to be held on Sunday, 30 days after the attack, but was held early due to the fact that Sunday is the beginning of the Jewish month of Nissan, during which it is customary not to schedule memorials and eulogies.
The students at the yeshiva were scheduled to hold a mishmer, a nightlong Torah study vigil, to honor the memory of their friends.