Sun-drenched Limassol and the endless attraction of Cyprus

Leonardo Hotels is the biggest and most renowned brand of Israel’s Fattal hospitality group. They acquired the reputed GrandResort last year from the Cypriot owners.

 A PRISTINE SANDY beach, situated directly in front of the GrandResort. (photo credit: LEONARDO HOTELS CYPRUS)
A PRISTINE SANDY beach, situated directly in front of the GrandResort.

Cyprus is best known for its famous sun-soaked stretches of sand and beaches. Tourists arrive from European countries to enjoy the sapphire sea waters with endless beaches

Aiming to maintain 3.85 million tourists in 2024, this popular destination has attracted in recent years visitors from Israel who flock to this neighboring island by the numbers. All Israeli air carriers are busy with the 40-minute flight almost daily, together with additional foreign airlines. Altogether, eight carriers compete for Israeli travelers on this desired route. The puzzling question remains – what is the Cyprus secret?

I made my way to the person who for my money knows best. Charming Louisa Varaclas, director of the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism. With 26 years in her role, she points out the reasons. 

“When I started, fewer than 30,000 Israelis visited Cyprus. In 2023, the number jumped to 410,000, not including those who arrive via cruise ships. The second largest market of the island,” she says. 

“I believe COVID was a pivotal point for the major change. Israel is a nation of travelers addicted to duty-free shopping and touring a foreign country. Cyprus is the closest destination and it is always easy and not expensive to travel there and return home easily when an urgent need arises. COVID was alarming and wars as well. This trend is relevant even more in the last few months.

 THE LIMASSOL MARINA. (credit: Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism)
THE LIMASSOL MARINA. (credit: Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism)

“This April, regardless of the ongoing Gaza war, the number showed 40,000. But an additional factor is that Israelis are finding out today that the Cypriots are true friends in any condition, unlike other countries that became risky travel destinations. Tourists from Israel are extremely popular in Cyprus as they will always stay in four- to five-stars hotels, spend money in the casino, and do extensive shopping.”

Primary tourism

Tourist arrivals from the United Kingdom are Cyprus’s primary tourism, with Israelis in second. However, according to the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), British visitors’ daily spend in Cyprus is only a third of what tourists from Israel spend. Israeli travelers are a major market and their spending statistics impress. Around €145 daily in January 2023 and close to €120 daily in January this year. Their contribution to the island’s tourism industry remains significant.

With this information in mind, I arrived in Limassol, the second largest city, to understand better why the Leonardo brand launched this month its seventh active hotel in Cyprus and its first five-star. Following an extensive renovation investment of around €20 million, the GrandResort property near Limassol was inaugurated, boasting a level of luxury to guests.

The flight to Larnaca was quick and smooth. We turned down a €70 taxi ride offer and mounted the €10 comfortable Limassol Express bus. Forty minutes later, we found ourselves at the doorstep of the hotel’s main entrance. 

“Is this the newly renovated Leonardo?” I interrogated the veteran team member at the entrance. “No, sir, this is the GrandResort,” he replied proudly.

For a while, I found the answer surprising. But at a later stage, I understood that it reflected a true sense of heritage and tradition the worker felt, acknowledging with some difficulty a new era of hospitality with a sophisticated brand. 

 THE LIMASSOL PROMENADE. (credit: Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism)
THE LIMASSOL PROMENADE. (credit: Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism)

Leonardo Hotels is the biggest and most renowned brand of Israel’s Fattal hospitality group. They acquired the reputed GrandResort last year from the Cypriot owners, who managed the hotel since it opened in 1999. “The hotel is a legend among the locals here. All Cypriots above the age of 40 probably participated in a wedding in the grand ballroom here, as since it opened, it was the only venue to host up to 5,000 guests arriving for any festive family reception,” says Leonardo regional general manager for Cyprus Radu Stefan-Mitroi. 

“Most past staying guests arrived from Russia, and as the war in the Ukraine commenced ,this market vanished. We felt in 2023 it was the right time to bid for this 255-room resort. Now, after massive renovations, we introduce a new product that Israeli families will find extremely attractive. The hotel has a private beach on the Mediterranean as well as state-of-the-art restaurants and a kids activities floor filled with everything families need for a relaxing vacation,” he says.

Enjoying our pampering comfortable room with a balcony overlooking the sea, we were very impressed with the sprawling 4,500-sq. m. gardens adorned with 363 palm trees. The large outdoor pool was great for swimming and unwinding, however, the pristine sandy beach, situated directly in front of the hotel was the highlight. 

The idyllic stretch of coastline provided a serene and picturesque environment for our relaxation and leisure. A well-maintained and very pleasant boardwalk extended for several kilometers along the shore became our daily sports activity to unwind. The beaches are endless and after each kilometer surprises await.

The renovated Grand also offers a state-of-the-art spa with professional treatments. The hour we spent there is still remembered. A variety of restaurants were enjoyable and dinner with great sushi combinations and other gastronomic delights at the Asian outlet was splendid.

The sun-drenched city of Limassol has gone through impressive developments in recent years. Its marina is famous for mooring yachts at sea and shore. The long promenade is hugely popular with holidaymakers for its view of the sea and the palm-coated surroundings. Ayia Napa Cathedral dominates the old town, the heart of the city with its narrow streets, radiating out from the castle and old fishing harbor. Israelis are seen almost everywhere in Limassol, especially in the attractive mall and some say also in the casino. For a moment we forgot that we are in a foreign country.

As all visitors, we didn’t miss Cypriot gastronomy – halloumi cheese, fresh vegetable salads, and an endless variety of sea products – a joyful experience. We felt at home almost in every corner we visited. 

No wonder Leonardo Hotels is constantly expanding its portfolio in Cyprus. Mitroi reveals that a kosher restaurant in the GrandResort is in the planning stage. Another incentive for Israelis to flock to Limassol this summer.

The writer is the Travel Flash Tips publisher and was a guest of Leonardo Hotels.