In Antwerp, a haredi pariah forces school to go coed
Anti-Zionist Moshe Aryeh Friedman sends sons to all-girls school in haredi school in Belgium, drawing ire of local community.
By JTAMoshe Aryeh Friedman speaks to reporters in Belgium 370(photo credit: Screenshot)
ANTWERP - With a soft smile and two young boys in tow, a mild-mannered Moshe Aryeh Friedman appeared undeserving of his reputation as the scourge of the local haredi ultra-Orthodox community as he walked his sons to school on Monday.Until, that is, he led them straight into Benoth Jerusalem, a girls-only public school that was forced by a judge to admit Friedman's boys on the grounds that Belgian schools cannot discriminate on the basis of gender.In the haredi community, gender segregation is the norm, and Friedman's push for admission is considered so sensitive that Belgian police assigned an escort, lest the Friedman boys be attacked upon their arrival.“This is a fascinating development in our society,” Friedman told the 15 or so Belgian journalists who had turned out to see his sons - Jacob, 11, and Josef, 7 - attend their new school. “Finally boys and girls can study together, ending centuries of discrimination.”Friedman, a 40-year-old Brooklyn native, is an unlikely champion of gender equality in Jewish schools. The haredi rabbi became a pariah after attending a 2006 conference in Iran questioning the Holocaust and for his friendship with the country's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. A fierce anti-Zionist, Friedman has befriended the leaders of Hamas and has cast doubt on whether 6 million Jews actually died in the Holocaust.As a result, Friedman was excommunicated by Jewish communities in Antwerp and Vienna, where he had lived for several years, and his children were denied entry to communal institutions. In 2007, Friedman sued the Viennese Jewish community after three of his daughters were expelled from Talmud Torah, a private school. Friedman said it was because of his trip to Tehran; the school cited unpaid fees.Also in Jewish World:Jan Fischer: Europe's 1st Jewish president?France Jews seek names of anti-Semites on TwitterIn 2011, Friedman returned to Antwerp with his wife, Lea Rosenzweig, a Belgian national. When no haredi schools would admit their sons, Friedman tried to enroll them in schools for girls. That failed, too, so he sued.“We had very few public schools to choose from,” Friedman told JTA. “The element of collective punishment against my children is well known.”
Friedman says the Jewish community is taking “revenge” on him because of his opinions.Aron Berger, the father of one of Benoth Jerusalem’s 200 female pupils, acknowledged that Friedman was left with little choice. But he added, “We need to ask why this community and the one in Vienna left him no choice. There’s trouble wherever Friedman goes.”In a separate and pending case, Friedman has sued a Zionist all-boys yeshiva in Antwerp for denying admission to his daughters.By involving the Belgian courts, Friedman has violated the Orthodox norm of resolving conflicts internally -- a move that is unlikely to improve his standing in the community. Perhaps even more important, he has compromised the haredi community’s pedagogical autonomy and separation of the sexes -- two hyper-sensitive points for a devout group striving to insulate itself from Belgium’s secular and often unsympathetic society.“It’s a sad day for the community, which has lost a battle which is important to it and its tradition,” said Michael Freilich, who as editor in chief of the Joods Actueel Jewish monthly has been writing about Friedman for years.At an improvised news conference outside the school, Friedman declined to comment on the Holocaust, his private life, his past and the various accusations made about him. Instead, he confined his remarks to the legal issue at hand, which he presented as a matter of gender equality. Friedman did not respond to further questions by JTA by phone and email.Friedman has been a thorn in the Jewish side for years. In 2006, The Associated Press reported that he had announced a new “coalition” between himself and Hamas, the Palestinian militant group considered a terrorist organization by the United States and Europe, after a meeting in Stockholm with Atef Adwan, a senior Hamas figure. Friedman also has been accused of having dealings with Austria's extreme right.A Jewish umbrella group in Flanders filed a complaint against Friedman for Holocaust denial a few years ago. More recently, a lawyer from Antwerp accused him of not paying off debts in the United States and in Austria. In 2007, Friedman reportedly was attacked by Jewish pilgrims during a visit to Poland.“Pretty much any haredi community would shun Moshe Friedman,” said Freilich, who maintains that Friedman's problems are less about his politics than his tendency to “use the law as an instrument of terror, which makes the community afraid of him.”For now, the Benoth Jerusalem school is struggling to adjust to its sudden fame. The leader of the Belz Chasidim community, to which the school is affiliated, asked community members to let things take their course regardless of their personal feelings. The school sent parents and staff a letter asking the same.But the community is anything but resigned to the new status quo.“For 30 years I have managed to do my work in silence and devotion but now, to our detriment, we have been made famous by Moshe Friedman,” said Leibl Mandel, the school's director. “It’s bad for education.”It may also be bad for Friedman's children, as they may be sucked deeper into the escalating fight. Henri Rosenberg, a lawyer from Antwerp who has compiled a file on Friedman’s business transactions in Vienna and the U.S., last month called for a probe by child welfare services into their domestic circumstances.“Enrolling them here is child abuse,” Berger said. “They can have no social interaction here, when the girls play among themselves.”