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Israel at war: What happened on day 24?

 Israelis celebrate the rescue of IDF soldier Pvt. Ori Megidish from Hamas captivity, outside her home in Kiryat Gat, October 30, 2023.  (photo credit: LIRON MOLDOVAN/FLASH 90)
Israelis celebrate the rescue of IDF soldier Pvt. Ori Megidish from Hamas captivity, outside her home in Kiryat Gat, October 30, 2023.
(photo credit: LIRON MOLDOVAN/FLASH 90)

'Ayatollah regime is the Nazi regime,' Erdan says wearing yellow star at the UN

Erdan also states that "Khamenei is playing the role of Adolf Hitler."

 Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan wears a yellow Star of David at the UN Security Council on October 30, 2023. (photo credit: SCREENSHOT VIA MAARIV)
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan wears a yellow Star of David at the UN Security Council on October 30, 2023.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan and his delegation wore a yellow Star of David at the UN Security Council meeting on Monday bearing the message "Never Again."

The Security Council dealt with the war in Israel and the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

"When Jewish babies were burned in Auschwitz, the world was silent, and today Jewish babies were burned in Be'eri and the towns of the south by the Nazi Hamas - and the world is silent again.

"I will make you remember the shame of your silence every time you look at me," Arden added. "I will wear the yellow patch until the Nazi Hamas is eliminated and until the Security Council stops being silent and condemns the October 7 massacre. Some of you have learned nothing in the last eighty years! Some of you have forgotten why the United Nations was founded. So I will remind you. From today on, every time you look at me you will remember." 

"When my grandfather and his children were sent to Auschwitz, the world was silent. When his wife and their seven children were sent to the gas chambers, the world was silent. When their bodies were burned alongside millions of Jewish babies, the world was silent," Erdan said, comparing the silence of the UN to the Hamas massacre on October 7 to the silence of the international community regarding the horrors of the Holocaust.

 Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan shows a video on a portable device as he speaks to an emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas at U.N. headquarters in New York City, U.S., October 26, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/MIKE SEGAR) Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan shows a video on a portable device as he speaks to an emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas at U.N. headquarters in New York City, U.S., October 26, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/MIKE SEGAR)

"If this council had convened in June 1944, it would have dealt with the amount of fuel the Nazis had and the high death toll Germany had compared to Britain. You would have called for a ceasefire even before the Russians took over Stalingrad.

"My grandfather's story is a horror story of another time. Of a distant time of unimaginable hatred. A time about which until three weeks ago we said 'never again'. But 'never again' happened again."

"Hamas, they are modern Nazis - from their appalling inhumane violence to their ideology that calls for the extermination of the Jews. Hamas is not looking for a 'solution' to the conflict. They are not interested in dialogue. The only solution Hamas is interested in is the final solution - the extermination of the Jewish people.

"Khamenei is the new Fuehrer" - Erdan

"However, Ismail Haniyeh - the leader of Hamas - is not Adolf Hitler. He is not the Fuehrer. He is not the leader of this death cult, which wants to rule the world. This role is played by the supreme leader of Iran, the bloodthirsty Ayatollah Khamenei. Hitler's Third Reich wanted to create a thousand-year empire spanning continents, just as Khamenei envisions his radical Shiite hegemony spanning the region and beyond. The Ayatollah regime is the Nazi regime of our time, and their army includes Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the IRGC, and other jihadists. Instead of shouting 'Sieg Heil!' these radical Nazi Islamists shout, "Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to England!".

During Erdan's remarks, he also slammed the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to what the ambassador claims is his "biased attitude" towards Israel during the war.

"The antisemites saw that the council did not condemn the murderers, and heard the UN Secretary-General express 'understanding' of the massacre," Erdan claimed.

 UN SECRETARY-GENERAL Antonio Guterres.  (credit: Thomas Mukoya/Reuters) UN SECRETARY-GENERAL Antonio Guterres. (credit: Thomas Mukoya/Reuters)

Erdan also stated that the UN's silence has "emboldened our enemies."

"They saw that this council did not even condemn the Nazi murderers. They saw the UN General Assembly cheering efforts to prevent us from defending ourselves. They heard the Secretary-General express understanding for the Nazi massacre," he continued. "Now they know that slaughtering Jews in their beds is met with silence. They were so passionate about the silence and inaction of this organization that they can't wait to slaughter Jews themselves."

Erdan also said that "if Hitler had a Twitter account, it would look just like Khamenei's," and continues to say that "despite Iran's blatant Nazism and Islamic Reich ideology, the Secretary-General and UN officials still meet with Iranian officials without saying a single word of condemnation for their support of genocide."

At the end of his remarks, Erdan made it clear to the council members that despite their silence, Israel will continue to defend itself in the war against Hamas in Gaza: "The people of Israel are strong, we cannot be broken, and we are not going anywhere. Many have tried to destroy us, but we are here to stay. Israel will win, crush Hamas, and bring back the hostages."

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Israeli-German Shani Louk's body found

 A picture of Shani Louk is displayed during a demonstration by family members and supporters of hostages who are being held in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, Israel October 28, 2023 (photo credit: REUTERS/AMMAR AWAD)
A picture of Shani Louk is displayed during a demonstration by family members and supporters of hostages who are being held in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, Israel October 28, 2023
(photo credit: REUTERS/AMMAR AWAD)

The body of Israeli-German citizen Shani Louk, who was believed to have been kidnapped and alive amid Hamas's assault on the music festival in Reim, was found on Monday, with Louk's sister, Adi, confirming Shani's death on Instagram.

Louk was seen in footage shared on the day of the attack laying motionless in the back of a truck after being kidnapped and brought into Gaza. It was unclear if she was alive in the video, although Louk's mother later stated that she was alive.

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UK's Cleverly: Working extensively to have a humanitarian pause in Gaza


British foreign secretary James Cleverly told Reuters on Monday that his country is working on a humanitarian pause to get aid to the people of Gaza.

"We’re working extensively with the Egyptians, with the Israelis and others to try and have a humanitarian pause, a temporary pause so that we can get that humanitarian aid to the people that need it," Cleverly told Reuters at the UK ambassador’s residence in Abu Dhabi.

"It’s trickling through but we need a significant increase in the volume," he added.

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Attacks on Jews rising globally after October 7, US antisemitism envoy warns

Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt revealed that these incidents are not just restricted to hateful words but also include tangible acts of violence.

 Participants take part in a rally in support of Palestinians, in Hyde Park, Sydney, Australia October 29, 2023 (photo credit: AAP IMAGE/BRENT LEWIN VIA REUTERS)
Participants take part in a rally in support of Palestinians, in Hyde Park, Sydney, Australia October 29, 2023

"We are deeply concerned by the dramatic increase in antisemitic incidents around the world over the past three weeks," Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt, US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism (SEAS) warned in a statement early Monday morning.

According to the SEAS, governments, law enforcement agencies, and community groups spanning continents - from Europe to North America, from Australia to South Africa - have reported an alarming rise in antisemitic behavior.

Lipstadt revealed that these incidents are not just restricted to hateful words but also include tangible acts of violence.

"Violent incidents throughout the world in October have included harassment of and attacks on Jewish individuals, and defacement of and attacks on Jewish sites," she detailed.

Drawing a clear line between antisemitism and global politics, Lipstadt emphatically stated, "targeting Jewish communities with hate, intimidation, or violence in relation to the conflict in the Middle East is intolerable and antisemitic - and without justification. Full stop."

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Netivote home hit in Hamas rocket barrage, no injuries reported


An apartment in Netivot in southern Israel was hit by a rocket on Monday morning, as about 30-40 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip toward Israel, according to Israeli media and the Netivot Municipality.

Some two additional rocket impacts were reported in the city as well. No injuries were reported in any of the impacts.

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East Jerusalem resident found with gun, Hamas flag, and swastika badge


A resident of a-Tur in east Jerusalem was found to be in possession of a firearm, a Hamas flag, and an embroidered swastika, Israel Police said Monday.

Police searched the resident's home after he attacked and threatened a worker in Beit Shemesh due to stickers with the emblems of the State of Israel and the Border Police. A relative of the suspect was also taken in for questioning. The investigation is ongoing.

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IDF soldier killed in tank accident in northern Israel


IDF Sergeant first class (res.) Yinon Fleishman, 31, was killed after a tank flipped over in northern Israel on Sunday, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit said on Monday. Another two soldiers were seriously injured in the accident.

Fleishman, from Jerusalem, served in the 71st Armored Battalion. He leaves behind his wife Noa, his son Ziv, his parents Benny and Michal, residents of Efrat, and his siblings, Daniel, Avishai, Rachel, Shlomit, and Shilo.

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IDF strikes Syrian military sites after rockets fired toward Israel

Several rockets were fired toward Israel from Syria on Sunday evening.

IDF strikes rocket launch sites in Syria after rocket fire. (Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

The IDF struck military sites in Syria on Sunday night after several rockets were fired from Syria toward Israeli territory earlier in the evening, according to the IDF Spokesperson's Unit.

According to the Syrian state news agency SANA, the airstrikes targeted two Syrian Army sites, leading to material damage.

Local media outlets reported that one of the sites targeted was located between Nawa and Tasil, in the Daraa Governorate of southern Syria near the Syrian-Israeli border. Al-Mayadeen TV had reported earlier that the rockets fired toward Israel were launched from the town of El Shykh Sa´ad, located in that same general area.

Last Wednesday, the IDF also struck military sites in Syria after two rockets were fired toward Israel. Additionally, on Saturday night, Lebanese and Syrian media reported that IDF artillery fire targeted positions used by the Syrian Army and Iran-backed militias in the Quneitra region near the Syrian-Israeli border.

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WATCH: IDF continues ground operations in Gaza

 Israeli forces are seen operating in the Gaza Strip on October 31, 2023 (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Israeli forces are seen operating in the Gaza Strip on October 31, 2023

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IDF in Gaza: Israeli forces strike over 600 Hamas terror targets

IDF kills dozens of Hamas terrorists in Gaza • IDF chief: Israeli military focused on dismantling Hamas

 Israeli forces are seen operating in the Gaza Strip on October 31, 2023 (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Israeli forces are seen operating in the Gaza Strip on October 31, 2023

The IDF says it struck over 600 terror targets in the past days in Gaza as the ground operations develop in the Strip.

“During clashes with terrorists in the Gaza Strip, IDF troops killed dozens of terrorists who barricaded themselves in buildings and tunnels, and attempted to attack the troops,” the IDF said.  

Videos and photos released by the army showed tanks, infantry and bulldozers active in Gaza.

Israel increased ground operations beginning on Friday evening after two raids by armored vehicles last week. Clashes in Gaza have seen increased contact with Hamas terrorists on the ground.

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  • Hamas launched a barrage of rockets on October 7, with thousands of terrorists infiltrating from the Gaza border
  • Over 1,400 Israelis and foreign nationals were murdered as of Tuesday afternoon, and more than 5,431 were wounded according to the Health Ministry
  • Israel reportedly preparing for a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip
  • IDF: 230 families of Israeli captives in Gaza have been contacted, 30 of them children