It is unclear how great a threat the next Turkey maritime flotilla will be if it challenges Israel’s blockade of Gaza next month, the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center said in a report on Wednesday.The first reports about the potential flotilla came out on November 20, with bombastic predictions of reaching 1,000 small vessels to challenge the Israeli navy by activist Volkan Okclugu.Since then, the flotilla leaders have made some progress in moving forward, but the report said that their goals and organization seem very different from the infamous May 2010 Mavi Marmara flotilla that led to violent altercations on the high seas and years of geopolitical repercussions.
A report by the Meir Amit Center, which is filled with former top Israeli intelligence officials and maintains ongoing contact with currently serving intelligence officials, stated, “It seems that the flotillas are still only in the planning stages and are more in the spirit of exhibiting an act of solidarity with the Gaza Strip, and it is not clear when they intend to set sail and whether they really intend to reach the shores of Gaza.”