Iran's nuclear power 'for peace but nightmare for Israel' - Nasrallah

The Hezbollah chief spoke of growing relationships with other Middle Eastern countries and warned Israel and the Gulf states of imminent Iranian threats during his Quds Day speech.

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters during a public appearance at a religious procession (photo credit: AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS)
Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters during a public appearance at a religious procession
(photo credit: AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS)
Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah gave his annual Quds Day speech on Friday, marking the final Friday of Ramadan.
In his speech, Nasrallah reassured the people of Iran that the "Resistance Axis" remains strong, with Iran still making up the strongest and most capable part of it. He said that despite 40 years of Western, US, and Israeli efforts to collapse the Islamic Republic, all attempts to do so have failed.
He referenced the negotiations between Iran and the US regarding their return to the Iran deal, and the lifting of US sanctions on Iran. "There is no practical threat of war against Iran (under the Biden administration)", Nasrallah said.
He confirmed that Iran will confront the sanctions currently placed on them, but whether this will be via the return of the US to the Iran deal remains to be seen.
Nasrallah then turned the focus of his speech to Israel and to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 
"What Netanyahu was relying on hasn't materialized," Nasrallah said.
"The US or other regional countries didn't wage war on Iran as [Netanyahu] had hoped. Now, as Iran possesses enriched uranium, even Israel has to admit that leaving the Iran deal was a failure on their part. Despite the Israeli attack on the Natanz facility, Iran has continued to enrich uranium, even increasing the percentage to 60%.
"This nuclear power is the nightmare of the Israelis," said Nasrallah. "Of course, it is for peaceful purposes only."
The Hezbollah leader warned Israel and the Gulf States that they should be worried about growing Iranian strength, and said that Israel's internal political crisis is a sign of weakness, because "one man insists on remaining Prime Minister, for personal reasons, to rescue him from prosecution and prison." This, according to Nasrallah, combined with Israel's supposed own hatred for themselves, has lead to a crisis that puts the country in a weakened and more vulnerable position.
Referencing the recent tragedy at Mount Meron, Nasrallah stated that if Israel was unable to handle a "simple stampede" they are not ready to confront a war. 

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"The IDF is not as strong as (IDF Chief of Staff) Kohavi would have us believe," he continued. He cited the intensive training exercises that various IDF units are currently carrying out as proof, saying that if the IDF was really as strong as they say they are, the training would not be necessary.
He warned Israel against engaging in any kind of conflict with Lebanon, saying that Hezbollah are ready to respond in kind to any Israeli aggression directed towards the region.
Throughout the speech, the Hezbollah chief spoke of Iranian relations with various Middle-Eastern countries, citing the thawing relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia as proof that the Axis of Resistance is only growing in strength. He welcomed relationships and dialogues with any country that wishes to engage in them, promising that Iran has never sold out its allies or friends. 
He promised that Iran, alongside Yemen, remains committed to reviving ISIS. Syria, he said, continues to forge connections with Iran as their ongoing civil war continues to shrink in size. 
Nasrallah stressed the importance of continued commitment to the path that the Axis of Resistance has laid out, saying that "The end of a society doesn't happen overnight. But all of the signs of the end and decline of this usurping entity are showing. Meanwhile, the Palestinian youth remains strong." The victory over Israel will come, not in the next battle, but gradually, he promised.
The Iranian Secretary-General ended his speech on an upbeat note, saying that Iran are heading in a positive direction.
"What we need is more steadfastness and solidarity, and to continue down our path. God has promised the patient with victory. We see signs of this divine promise already manifesting," he concluded.