Palestinian girl slams 'cursed' Trump over 'defiled' Jerusalem

Denying the history of the Jews in Israel is far from a new tactic for the Palestinian Authority, whether it's through children's shows or academic scholars.

PALESTINIAN DEMONSTRATORS burn a crossed-out poster depicting US President Donald Trump that reads: ‘no for Deal of the Century’ during a protest against the Bahrain workshop last month. (photo credit: IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA / REUTERS)
PALESTINIAN DEMONSTRATORS burn a crossed-out poster depicting US President Donald Trump that reads: ‘no for Deal of the Century’ during a protest against the Bahrain workshop last month.
A young Palestinian girl railed against US President Donald Trump in videos uploaded to Fatah's Facebook page, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported.
The speech was delivered by Ru’a Tamimi.
"My message to cursed Trump: O Trump, how do you belittle our people’s rights?" she asked furiously. "Have you forgotten that we are ‘the people of giants’? Have you forgotten that we are the children of Yasser [Arafat] and [Hamas founder Ahmed] Yassin? But to Trump and every hate-ridden Zionist claiming he has a right to Palestine, I say: Jerusalem is ours – it was, is, and will remain our capital over the years, and we will not agree to our Jerusalem being defiled. Allah willing, it will return to us, even if it takes time.”
PMW described the diatribe as shocking, but said language like this is not new for Tamimi.
In another post uploaded to Fatah's Facebook earlier this year, Tamini is shown passionately reciting a poem titled "The Gift" or "The Children o Palestine – The Martyrdom Project." The poem depicts a mother giving her son a rifle to take back Jerusalem from the Jews.
"'My son, we were not created for happiness,'" Tamini said in the video. "'In my eyes, you are meant for Martyrdom!' … Jerusalem is ours, our weapon is our Islam, and our ammunition is our children. And you, O my son, are meant for Martyrdom."
Tamimi is from the village of Nabi Saleh and is part of the Tamimi clan, the same clan as Ahlam Tamimi, the terrorist responsible for the Sbarro Pizza shop bombing in 2001 that killed 15 and injured 130. Tamimi was released in 2011 as part of the Gilad Schalit prisoner exchange deal. 
In addition to the bombing itself, Ahlam Tamimi became infamous for her lack of remorse. In an interview with a Jordanian news site that was later translated by MEMRI, she expressed her satisfaction with her actions.
"I do not regret what happened. Absolutely not," she said, adding: "Do you want me to denounce what I did? That's out of the question. I would do it again today, and in the same manner."