THE ASO SALON in Jerusalem (photo credit: Itamar Ginsburg)
THE ASO SALON in Jerusalem
(photo credit: Itamar Ginsburg)

Aso Salon: Elegance, creativity, feel at home - review


I love going out. I love dedicating an evening once in a while to experiencing new food, places, atmospheres, and the people who create them. What I don't love is going out and having none of these notions take place. The feeling of disappointment is a real deterrent when attempting to venture out once more.

I always get my hopes up before a night out. I build it up in my imaginative head that tonight will be special, that tonight I will have the culinary experience I've always desired. 

As I sat down with my partner Aviya at Aso Salon, a small little wine bar on Yanai Street a stone-throw away from Mamilla, I decided to adjust my expectations and tame this imagination of mine.

The Salon

I stepped into the small but beautifully designed interior of Aso Salon. The amalgamation of aged wood, natural colors, and intriguing art made me feel like I was in another land. I was slightly jealous; I felt like I was in a lounge designed by someone who truly understood what the word 'cozy' meant. I wanted to take pictures of every corner and completely re-decorate my own place.

 Eyal Assulin in his culinary studio, Aso Salon. (credit: Itamar Ginsburg)
Eyal Assulin in his culinary studio, Aso Salon. (credit: Itamar Ginsburg)

Aviya and I sat down outside on a little bench facing the Salon (living room In Hebrew). 

The dim lighting made everything romantic, and the end-of-August Jerusalem breeze made everyone relaxed. 

Little wooden tables nicely laid out with Victorian china were dotted around the Salon. This makeshift 'Piazza' resembled a quaint European courtyard situated in the heart of Jerusalem, a find concoction if you ask me.

Our hostess, Sarah, greeted us with a genuine smile. She instigated conversation, asked us questions, and tried to understand what flavors and wines we typically enjoy. She honestly seemed to care about our evening and what we hoped to experience from tonight, just like when a good friend invites you over for a meal.

The food

Aviya and I love exciting flavors and original combinations. We like real food that has been carefully crafted and thought out. We came to the right place.

Baked Sainte-Maure cheese with roasted grapes and avocado honey. Roasted pumpkin with homemade Tahini, caramelized onions, and Turkish spinach. Cloud-like gnocchi in sherry-seed butter, fish fillet cubes, Greek feta and Syrian oregano. Just writing down these dishes has made my mouth water as it did that night.

Every dish and every bite was finely balanced, explosive with flavor, and simply uncharted in Israel's culinary world. We only tasted a fraction of the menu, leaving us anxiously awaiting our next visit, which will no doubt be soon.

The wine

The menu was similar to one you would find in some European wine festival, with bottles hailing from Italy, Austria, Greece, Portugal, France, and Israel. Each wine is carefully selected from unknown boutique wineries that are impossible to find anywhere in the region.

The menu changes regularly, with only the fan favorites remaining. I found myself drinking the most incredible Portuguese red wine recommended by Sarah, which I have looked all over the internet to buy. I have yet to find a seller, which further enhanced my inclination that I am enjoying a one-of-a-kind meal at a one-of-a-kind establishment.

The man and concept behind it all

Eyal Assulin, 28, originally from Jerusalem, came out of the kitchen to greet us. And when I say us, I mean every single guest. He chats with everyone, grown-ups, well-behaved kids, and even the not-so-well-behaved ones. His smile is genuine, his inquiries as to how your evening is going are heartfelt, and his devotion to his Salon is evident. 

He sat with us for half an hour, telling his story and pouring us his favorite wine.

"I am a very dynamic person. I'm constantly on the move, be it in my mind or my actions. I believe that life is ever-changing, and we as people are the same. If we don't adapt and evolve, we can't live the way that we should; we will be left behind, confused, and disappointed in reality.״

״I try to emulate this idea in my cooking; this place is my culinary playground. I am constantly on the search for new combinations and flavors while retaining the traditional cooking methods and practices of the past. I want to blend it all into one ever-shifting culinary world where anything is possible.״

״It got to a point where I used to alter the menu every single day significantly. However, that experience taught me that too much change can be bad for us, so instead, I create an entirely new menu every season based on what is fresh at the time. I use this example in everything I do. I explore and create new things. Some of them work, some don't. This is how I cook, this is how I learn, this is how I live."

"My goal is to use this creativity and dynamism to invigorate my guests, to make their evening exciting and unforgettable. I simply want to inspire people to eat differently, embrace change, and get excited about new ideas and possibilities. I think your smile indicates to me that I have successfully done my job."

Eyal was right. I was quite honestly enchanted by the taste and ambiance Aso Salon has managed to achieve, a rare breed I hope to see more of in Jerusalem. For now, though, I will return to the Salon.

Aso Salon3 Yanai St., JerusalemReservations: 052-509-2676 Contact: Eyal_asolin (Instagram)Hours: Mon.-Thu. 7 p.m.-12 a.m.; Fri. 12- 4 p.m. (brunch menu)Kashrut: Not kosher

The writer was a guest of the restaurant.

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