Unbearable! Cheating scandal rocks Fat Bear Week

Fat Bear Week sees netizens vote on the chonkiest ursine of them all, but a cheating scandal has struck at the heart of his beloved institution.

Brown bear 747 stands in a river hunting for salmon to fatten up before hibernation at Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska, US, September 20, 2020. (photo credit: COURTESY OF US NATIONAL PARK SERVICE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)
Brown bear 747 stands in a river hunting for salmon to fatten up before hibernation at Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska, US, September 20, 2020.

Election fraud and cheating scandals have struck the heart of one of the most important elections in the world, at least as far as the Internet is concerned. And it is simply unbearable.

Indeed, it seems a cheating scandal has mired the results of the once hollowed and beloved election of all: Fat Bear Week.

For those not in the know about the online vote to choose the most weighty ursine of them all, Fat Bear Week is a contest put together by Alaska's Katmai National Park for eight years now and it has become a much beloved online event every year, where people from all over the Internet can vote on their preferred pudgy pooh-bear of choice. 

This time of year is often accompanied by pictures and short videos all over social media, showcasing the adorable chonky bears to the adoration of netizens of all shapes and sizes.

Fat Bear Week cheating scandal: How could this be?

But a scandal seemingly erupted in this peaceful competition, betraying our innocence in the latest collective blow to optimistic wholesome Internet users since scandal rocked the Try Guys

"Like bears stuff their face with fish, our ballot box, too, has been stuffed," the Katami National Park revealed to shocked social media users, explaining that poll spamming had been done with one of the brackets in the competition, pitting the large-and-in-charge bear 747, who won in 2020, against the gigantic 32 "Chunk."

"Corruption has reached the highest levels," one person commented.

"Is nothing sacred in this world?" posted another.

The bear truth: Who is the fattest bear of them all?

After being nearly held back by this horrific scandal, 747 would go the distance and emerge victorious.

"Ultimately, 747 ripped apart the salmon - and the competition - to seize his 2nd crown as the 2022 Champion," the Katami National Park tweeted. "Time to celebrate & do the happy dance jumbo jet jiggles!"

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However, the park was also quick to clarify that the large bear isn't in poor health - quite the opposite, actually. In fact, as the park explained: "In the bear world, fat is fit and these chunky contenders have been working tirelessly to pack on the pounds necessary for survival."