Groom exposes bride's infidelity at the wedding in a surprising way

The groom and his whole family planned this reveal in advance, and left as a group after the incriminating pictures were distributed.

Illustrative image of a Jewish wedding (photo credit: PEXELS)
Illustrative image of a Jewish wedding
(photo credit: PEXELS)

On a recent episode of The Unfiltered Bride, parts of which were clipped and uploaded to TikTok, host Georgie shared a shocking story with her co-host Beth about a groom who exposed his bride's infidelity at their wedding reception. 

The two podcast hosts are wedding industry experts and often share their unusual stories of weddings they've been part of in the past. 

"There was a wedding - the bride and groom got married. Lovely ceremony, lovely drinks, reception. Sat down...had their food. Speeches after food - father of the bride does his thing. Groom stands up and says: 'Just before I properly get started, there's some envelopes coming around now if you could all open them up. Those are pictures of the bride f***ing the best man. So I'll be leaving.'"

According to Georgie, the groom and his whole family planned this reveal in advance, and left as a group after the pictures were distributed. They waited until the middle of the meal so that they could still enjoy the benefits of the wedding, which the bride and her family were paying for, before breaking off the relationship. 

 Wedding cake (illustrative) (credit: INGIMAGE)
Wedding cake (illustrative) (credit: INGIMAGE)

TikTok user responses to the video

Commenters came across the story on TikTok and for the most part took the side of the groom. "I don't blame him at all," said one, "I would do the same thing."

Another said: "Imagine the other guests sitting there and wondering, 'what do we do now?'"

Maariv Online contributed to this report.