Mystical rabbi warns: Gog and Magog war begins, nations opposing Israel will die

Ben Artzi pointed to a series of impending disasters as divine punishment for nations that oppose Israel. "Their countries will be destroyed by floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and fire."

 Israeli Kabbalah Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi warns: Gog and Magog war begins, nations opposing Israel will die. (photo credit: YOUTUBE SCREENSHOT)
Israeli Kabbalah Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi warns: Gog and Magog war begins, nations opposing Israel will die.
(photo credit: YOUTUBE SCREENSHOT)

A mystical rabbi has warned that nations and leaders seeking to harm Israel will face divine retribution, with floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters signaling the beginning of the prophesied Gog and Magog war and the imminent arrival of the Messiah.

In a YouTube video released on Tuesday, Israeli Kabbalah Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi delivered a fiery message aimed at those who he claims are trying to disrupt the people and state of Israel. "The Master of the Universe will destroy these nations," he proclaimed, warning that leaders who target the Israel Defense Forces, harm Israeli citizens, or desecrate the Holy Land will be met with catastrophic consequences. "Even now, He is destroying them. The entire world is in chaos, as foretold in Gog and Magog."

Ben Artzi pointed to a series of impending disasters as divine punishment for nations that oppose Israel. "Their countries will be destroyed by floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fire and brimstone, and severe winds. The presidents and heads of these countries will perish; they will not live," he said, adding that their downfall will be witnessed by all through media coverage. "This is the beginning of the revelation of the Messiah so that they will no longer disturb Israel."

Artzi's prominence in the country

Ben Artzi is a well-known figure in Israel’s spiritual and mystical community, gaining prominence through his prophetic messages and teachings that blend Kabbalistic mysticism with interpretations of modern-day events. His sermons often focus on the role of Israel in global affairs and frequently touch on apocalyptic themes. Over the years, he has amassed a significant following while also attracting criticism for his controversial predictions and outspoken style.

He emphasized that the current global turmoil is not coincidental but rather part of a divine plan to protect Israel. "You don’t know it yet, but the whole world that opposes the State of Israel will face a flood," Ben Artzi warned. "The destruction of nations is already unfolding, and it will only intensify."

 IDF operating Gaza on September 13, 2024 (credit: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)
IDF operating Gaza on September 13, 2024 (credit: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)

His latest remarks have sparked debate among some viewers, though Ben Artzi’s followers have rallied behind his statements, believing them to be a sign of divine protection for Israel. "From now on, the presidents and leaders of these countries will die," he said, referring to those who have sought to undermine Israel. "This marks the start of a new era, one that will see the emergence of the Messiah."