Ben Artzi pointed to a series of impending disasters as divine punishment for nations that oppose Israel. "Their countries will be destroyed by floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and fire."
The "Jews for Jesus" movement, misrepresenting Christianity and exploiting vulnerable people, shows why people must be cautious and well informed about their own faith.
Each fundamentalist movement presents to its followers a vision of a state of religious law between the river Jordan and the sea - a Halachic State or an Islamic Caliphate.
Lionel Messi's football prowess led Barcelona and Argentina to numerous victories, paralleling the biblical concept of a Messiah—one that Israel needs as it faces ongoing threats.
Far from being an irrelevancy, Dr. Arnold Slyper has shown convincingly that messianism is highly relevant to the Jewish world today.
Researchers in the field of conspiracy theories speculate the end of the world as three biblical events unfold in the Middle East.
While the book provides an equally glorious and frightening picture of the messianic forces driving geopolitics and global conflict, it’s much more than a treatise on messianism.
This book traces the appearance of the messianic idea from the prophet Isaiah to the Bar Kochbah revolt. It demonstrates the dramatic, many-sided and fascinating controversy about the messianic idea.
What is Jerusalem Syndrome? Can anyone fall prey to it? And what can be done to protect against it?
To those who believed in waiting for the Messiah, they said we can return to Israel without a Messiah.